def thrifting, i have exclusively built an entire wardrobe solely by hitting up every thrift store in the area every couple of weeks
if you live near a larger city i recommend looking there, you'll tend to get a much wider range of stuff.
def thrifting, i have exclusively built an entire wardrobe solely by hitting up every thrift store in the area every couple of weeks
if you live near a larger city i recommend looking there, you'll tend to get a much wider range of stuff.
idk i'm a trans lesbian and i have been on hexbear for 3 years and never been insulted or made to feel unwelcome on account of my identity a single time
now if by "inclusive" you mean "tolerant of right-wing bullshit" then no, we're not, and we never will be
you're currently "brigading" a thread in your non-native instance about how rude it is that liberals aren't allowed to spread their right-wing propaganda uncontested
every accusation a confession
the good part of that is that when they come into our territory we can just shell them with impunity
they mean we do cool drugs and have sweet orgies and drain outsiders of their precious vital fluids for sustenance
you're absolutely right. i hope my comment didn't come off as blaming or unnecessarily insensitive. i was raised as a boy and i was easily the only one i knew who had to do their own laundry, dishes, cooking etc until mastery. it's a sad state of affairs that that's not considered normal for every child (excepting differences in ability ofc).
patriachy hurts men too
bell hooks was right as usual. patriarchy eviscerates men first and then radiates outward to fuck the rest of us over.
lmao if jokes are too much for you then yeah by all means
i def didn't ask to see your whiny puritanism
mmmmm i think all my boss would have to do is get on their hands and knees and suck me off to completion in front of god and everyone
that'd get me back in the office for at least 20 minutes or so
pronounced "reaver", basically means pillager/robber
yeah a shocking number of people can't cook, and if you focus in on just men that number becomes downright alarming
John Brown is dead. Now is the time of monsters.
in that case there are the same 2015-era facebook-tier memes back on