🐦 💩 is horrible!
And filter the life out of every photo and video!
The stories that were related to this one really bothered me too!! Poor L. is stuck at home watching whole boxes of free items being opened as though she’s actually interested in any of it as a 4 year old! She’s treated like a prop for the sack of shit’s idiotic videos! I can’t stand it. I would love her to just be able to be a kid and go skating/dance lessons/soccer whatever L. wants to do! Make some friends her own age, etc. I don’t see how that vapid twit S. can’t understand that her little girl needs those things. Makes me so angry! S. is a selfish, shitty person!
Kindergarten registration started in January. I keep hoping she’ll enroll L. in school too!
I agree, it’s all so bizarre! And S. isn’t even a likeable person so what’s with all of the worshipping from these other women?
Very strange! I wonder if they’re all doing this for PR for 🐦 to show how wonderful & loved & amazing she is! 🙄 They see the posts & comments here & on Reddit so it’s damage control because people are seeing the truth about 🐦. Just my opinion.
Her unfiltered chin and neck
The whole thing is absolutely bizarre!! I can’t relate to doing anything remotely like this for my birthday. It’s all so weird and wrong, on so many levels. S. just comes off as such a mean, entitled, spoiled brat! Which is very obvious but it’s still embarrassing.
I think they’re here and on Reddit often…
That is really sad & just speaks volumes! I’d like to see L. be allowed to develop her own interests, things she likes, etc. Not just what S. tells her she likes!🙄 I keep hoping she’ll go to JK in September, though I know it’s unlikely. I’m a teacher and I really think she would love school, open up her world, make friends, etc.
L. needs & deserves her privacy! This really bothers me! Enroll her in kindergarten, dance, art classes, etc. 🐦💩 can afford just about anything L. might want to do. I feel so sorry for this sweet little kid!