They don't.
Need a spokes person, else it is a waste. Maybe we could vote on a small number of people to represent us? Maybe by region, maybe by industry.
Fuck. We have been complaining about health costs since at least the 1990's.
That budgets for households, businesses, and goverments have much to do with each other
Edit: fixed typo. 'nd' to 'and'.
A Linux maintainer wants to keep quality high. Objects to adding complexity to codebase.
Right or wrong, we want the maintainers focused on quality and maintainability.
One can unknowingly be an asset.
Just the same as why some people have to study constantly and others only a few hours per night.
Some kinds of information connect to previously learned information better than others. Knowing Latin helps with medical body part names.
Some degrees have coursework that overlaps other course work heavily. (Math, basic physics, and static mechanics all overlap a lot.)
Some material is more "rational" and can be calculated, others depend upon rote memorization.
Some study techniques work better for sone material and some people than others. Be certain to try many techniques.
Some people are smarter than others. A benefit of being smart is learning fast. A hardship is crap study skills.
I disagree that she cannot give her wealth away.
Many wealthy hold stock and take loans to pay their lifestyle. They can similarly take loans to fund charities.
Taylor Swift could fund charities. She could highlight charities to support. (She may already, I don't know her.)
Edit: I do not believe her "worth" as a billionaire includes potential, but rather what she currently owns.
Gotta define terms. "Wealthy" is only "more than me".
Hose off the caustic with hot water
Wear eye protection if truly hosing. You don't want that shit in your eye.
They don't need to be to be vilified.