I mean... those are hidden by default
Wasn't that the one that turned out to be the Tesla flying around?
With snapdragons you at least have a chance for custom Roms. Every Mediatek device is DOA for me
I recently got a new phone and the disastrous software support was the main reason I didn't go for this one
Man, i Miss notification LEDs
Auch ohne die geringste Verzögerung, sehr gut. Hoffe die haben dem kräftig aufs Maul gehauen
Had the same with an english teacher (in germany), that probably had a smaller vocabulary than me. Whenever I used words she didn't know I had to argue with her and pull out a dictionary
I don't know if that's true. They probably just try to push the most rage inducing stuff your way. It just happens so, that right talking points are rage inducingly dumb
Dito, haben im Sommer, 1 Monat vor unserem 11-jährigen geheiratet. Da bin ich mir einfach sicher, dass da nichts mehr passiert. Wir hocken so lange aufeinander, da kann mich nichts mehr schockieren :D
Lol, Bild und seriös. Kannst die Grafik direkt in die Tonne kloppen
Zacryon, den Witz erklärend
Ah ok. Then I change my opinion to, "Get it over with!"