Only second to cyanobacteria.
And somehow they consider themselves better than the local drug dealer.
And Luigis life, unfortunately.
Lucky they were only woulded.
This kind of idea has been floating around for a while but it takes a really smart person a decent amount of time to get a proof of concept off the ground that will excite other people and create momentum.
Your idea is a little nieve and could be accomplished in much more efficient ways using things like hashes and checksums. A new p2p protocol would need to be developed for the use case of real time messaging and historical message histories.
There are already some concept peer to peer messaging apps that use wireless to create mesh networks for the scenario of total internet or power collapse.
While I am not the biggest fan of the new Trek stuff, especially movies, I am excited about this one. I wonder if it will be palatable to non trekkies so I can show it to my gf and our room mate.
I'm loving this show!
Yup, was going to say this too.
That handle shape is the opposite of ergonomic