They're really stretching to try make this go viral. Such a load of shit.
Lmao they just use node to download a powershell script and run it.
Would you honestly deny yourself the exhilarating experience of eating towpath broccoli? I think this would be a life long regret!
I got one of these guys who lands on my roof occasionally
I have high hopes for [email protected]
I think bringing attention to the posters people enjoy is a nice pat on the back to those who make our time spent scrolling worthwhile. Its also a nice punt for the communities the nominees post in.
Motherfucker Jones! Glad he's OK.
This is what happens if a fat man tries to suck in his belly temporarily because he knows people are looking at him.
All creatures, including humans, possess instinctual knowledge. This is stuff we are born with. For instance: fear of snakes, or estinating how much protein is in our food by taste. Some of our instinctual knowledge is about mate selection since procreation is a very important goal for a species. We use our nose to detect if others are a good immune system match, and we use our eyes to see if they are sick or unhealthy and also assess their ability to nurture children. That last part is where the boobs come in. They make breast milk and so they are a feature that gives pleasure to see. There is no choice about it. We like what we like because of our genetic programming.
Don't they have enough money already?!
Let me tell you about borrow return policy at libraries and the associated fines for late returns and how to find something using the dewey decimal classification system. Fun times!
Here are the people responsible for the nH Predict AI tool that they knew has a 90% error rate when denying claims:
Valve deserve to be on the top. They run a decent business.