
joined 8 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That wouldn't be a problem at all if we had better science journalism. Every psychologist knows that "a study showed" means nothing. Consensus over several repeated studies is how we approximate the truth.

The psychological methodology is absolutely fine as long as you know it's limitations and how to correctly apply it. In my experience that's not a problem within the field, but since a lot of people think psychology = common sense, and most people think they excel at that, a lot of laypeople overconfidently interpret scientific resultst which leads a ton of errors.

The replication crisis is mainly a problem of our publications (the journals, how impact factors are calculated, how peer review is done) and the economic reality of academia (namely how your livelihood depends on the publications!), not the methodology. The methods would be perfectly usable for valid replication studies - including falsification of bs results that are currently published en masse in pop science magazines.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

HawlSera is generalising feminists, while at the same time critizising them for generalising.

Sorry, thats just not a perspective that deserves to be respected. It deserves to be corrected and criticized.

You seem to have left the conversation about the topic at hand altogether if the only thing you're willing to talk about is her background.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Now you've lost me - should we all be held to the same standard or should OP be exempt from the general rules of decency because of their background?

Because if we're talking about the standard of "unfair generalisations are unfair, don't do it" (which is what I've been talking about, don't know about you) then Queen HawlSera clearly failed to meet it.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The alternative is not what youre thinking likely. The alternative is something more nuanced than this-or-that thinking. Something where everyone that’s not bigoted is recognized and considered. Not just a single group.

But working against feminism is bigoted. I feel sorry if someone acts destructively because they had a horrible childhood - nevertheless, acting destructively in itself shouldn't be tolerated.

I mean who actually benefits from ruining the reputation of feminism? Probably the very people who hurt Queen HawlSera as a child. We're not doing kids like her any favors by allowing that.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Proof that if you don’t tow the party line, it doesn’t matter what your background is.

Well, yeah? What's the alternative? "If we like your background it doesn't really matter what positions you hold - trans people should be allowed generalise a bit and trash feminism, as a treat"?!

I'm queer myself. I will hold you responsible for your words, no matter your background. Especially when it comes to feminism. And that obviously includes women of all backgrounds. If anything I expect more solidarity from them, not less.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Or at least develop a decent recurring character and relationship. As it stands this will be the second instance of blatant queerbating in Doctor Who. Gatwa deserves better - we all do!

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I will be so damn disappointed if they end his run without revisiting the Rogue storyline. The doctor has never given up on someone like that - never. Let alone someone he cared about.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (6 children)

All feminists?

Because if we had a mandatory global meeting I sure as hell missed my invitation.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (8 children)

And what does that have to do with feminism?

All this comic does is emphasise how stupid it would be to lump all feminists together. If you deny this you are doing exactly the same thing as those you're complaining about.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (19 children)

And now you blame feminists? It's kinda astounding that your life experiences haven't taught you what nonsense stereotypes and generalisations are.

...I guess it is kinda in theme with the comic though. Assuming that all trans people would get that would be just as generalising, and very apparently wrong.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Genauso war es bei uns auch.

Beim 3km Lauf bekamen wir die Tabelle 8 Wochen vor der Benotung, um trainieren zu können; ich stand rechnerisch ungefähr auf einer 9 oder 10. Deutlich zu schlecht für die 6. Ich hab meine Lehrerin gefragt, ob sie ernsthaft von mir erwartet, dass ich zwei Monate trainiere, nur um es möglicherweise auf eine 5 zu schaffen - und sie hat nur mit den Schultern gezuckt. Das Ergebnis: Ich hab mir eine 6 eintragen lassen und bin nicht mitgelaufen. Dafür hatte sie sogar Verständnis.

Ich glaub die einzigen Menschen, die Sportnoten fair oder sinnvoll finden, sind die, die schon als Kinder gut darin waren. Klar hatten die Spaß am Sportunterricht, wenn dort honoriert wurde, was sie eh schon zum Spaß gemacht haben - ich hätte mich auch gefreut, wenn ich fürs übermäßige Bücherlesen einfach eine 1 oder 2 ins Zeugnis bekommen hätte.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

und dabei nicht nur die Erfolge bewertet, sondern hauptsächlich wie viel Einsatz die Person gebracht hat

In was für einer Schule wird das denn gemacht? Bei uns ging es rein um die Erfolge, in Zahlen, mit Leistungstabellen die für alle Schüler:innen gleich waren. Ich war nie in Reichweite einer akzeptablen Note, geschweige denn jemals an die Benotungen der Kinder heranzureichen, die von vorneherein Spaß am Sport hatten, egal wie viel Einsatz ich gezeigt hätte - also hab ichs gelassen.

Ich kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass manche Kinder durch den Sportunterricht langfristig vom Sport (bzw. dem Spaß daran) abgehalten werden. Bei mir war das nämlich eindeutig so.


The print on my new sweater is giving me a headache.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/
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