If the venom symbiote found a parahna plant
Estimated monthly payment of over $1000 a month fucking fade me fam I can barely afford shitty hoarder houses
I also remember this from the books, some even enjoyed it to the point of getting caught on purpose
It depends. I grew up in the country and my parents still have to use phone hotspots for internet which works well for streaming but forget about any gaming. I live in a fairly major metropolitan city now and my internet is pretty good, although I've noticed my download speeds get throttled sometimes
Like the manager of a bank location, the physical building and its operations. Mostly because before credit scores they were the final word on all credit offers through the bank so it was a much more relationship driven process
You right lol I must be playing too many RPGs lately
Bank managers used to be very well paid and respected on par with doctors and lawyers and now are just clerks
It forgot the smoke weed and be happy step
"Aboriginal burning has been proposed as the cause of a variety of environmental changes, including the extinction of the Australian megafauna, a diverse range of large animals which populated Pleistocene Australia. Palynologist A. P. Kershaw has argued that Aboriginal burning may have modified the vegetation to the extent that the food resources of the megafauna were diminished, and as a consequence the largely herbivorous megafauna became extinct.[9]"
Aborigines literally burned down all the trees and created a massive island desert lol this is retarded
I think the problem comes in with all the copyright and monopolization bs companies like Verizon and apple pull to remove all possible competition and allow them to jack up their prices