Knowing the brilliance of Trump, I wouldn't put it past him to order the Navy to sink any ship that enters the canal before a US Navy ship.
Still. More people voted for this than didn't vote for this.
I don't want to pile on, but if less than 50% voted for this, then more than 50% voted against it. The people voting against it didn't vote for the same thing, but they did vote against this.
Your friend might be a Nazi.
Shouldn't that be "So are we"?
To be fair, when the poem was written we were getting our asses kicked and survival was not assured.
If you look at the events of the moment, the significant part is the "not getting killed" part.
If things had gone differently, we could all be speaking English today!
Or we could stop hoping the Democrats take the lead and force them to follow the people. However, that would likely get ugly.
It also depends on the non-fascist elements of society putting aside their differences and working together, which has historically been a requirement and a stumbling block any time the populace wants to get out from under the oppression of the 1%.
I could ask her. She might go for it.
Me sitting here still working a day job with my ancient, born-in-1970, worn-out self. Sounds like I should be retired already, if not dead.
They aren't wrong though. Find yourself an old person. We just want to sit, eat, watch a little TV, and be in bed by 9.
Bonus: some of us know how to fix the shit that falls apart, and many of us even own a house.
Before you get all excited, I'm already taken. Some young thing already got me hitched (she was born in 1971).
I see a dog eat dog world and think, "Can we be a better example to follow?" These folks see a dog eat dog world, and think, "How terrible. We'd better start chewing."
I suppose in my path to agnosticism I picked up the wrong lessons from the church my mom took me too.
Again? I thought income inequality already upended it.
If climate change upends it again, doesn't that mean it would be right-side-up?