
joined 2 years ago
[–] Nevrome 5 points 1 year ago

It would surely give the company way more exposure than sticking to AMD only. Their entry level cards (Challenger series) do not feel entry level at all so they could compete with Zotac and Gigabyte for cheap, reliable gaming GPUs.

My two latest builds have been using ASRock's MoBos and GPUs and I have yet to encounter a single problem with them.

[–] Nevrome 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You're right. Perhaps I based my view on the gaming time I had daily before and after having kids.

I consider myself lucky to play 20-30mins a night and that is if the kids behave at bedtime, hence why I said casual. It's the kind of game that I will never progress in as it requires a lot of playtime.

[–] Nevrome 17 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I can't wait to just skip that game completely. As more stuff is revealed and as we approach the release date of Feb 16th, the more I believe the game will be a massive letdown.

In this current article is discussed the slow respawn rate of necessary items for in-game progression and people queuing to get them. REALLY rewarding for casual players (<30mins playtime per day).

[–] Nevrome 27 points 1 year ago

Funny price tag from a company that recently told its player base that owning games is becoming obsolete.

[–] Nevrome 5 points 1 year ago

C'était tellement aléatoire. Tout dépend du type de prof que tu as eu. Il y en a qui ne donnaient pas envie de s'investir et d'autres avec qui tu aurais voulu faire une carrière en philosophie.

Ça nous a quand même pratiqué à débattre et à préparer un argumentaire, chose utile "sur les Internets".

[–] Nevrome 2 points 1 year ago

At this stage of his career, Turner is probably best suited to be a first baseman or designated hitter.

Well yeah, being 39 does that to a player, usually less mobility on the field. 13M seems risky but hey, if they can go past the wildcard round this time.

[–] Nevrome 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ça se rapproche des reptiliens sous l'Île d'Orléans et de la bourgeoisie du Québec qui sont en fait une race d'aliens venus nous contrôler.

J'en ai tellement lu dans le temps sur Reddit des conspis, haha!

Inquiète-toi pas, pas besoin de mise à pied pour te faire drafter dans l'armée. Que tu aies une job ou pas, si tu corresponds aux critères du draft, ben "aweille au front."

Les revenus des compagnies sont toujours un peu diminués après la période des fêtes. Dans un modèle de croissance constante, ça paraît pas bien d'être dans le rouge un certain trimestre. Ils coupent dans le bas de la pyramide pour sauver leurs jobs, jamais ils vont réduire leurs salaires ou couper des cadres/chums.

En plus, si y'a une troisième guerre mondiale, elle ne durera pas assez longtemps pour avoir besoin de conscrits. Au nombre d'obus nucléaires dissimulés partout, suffit d'un pays "rogue" et la race humaine tiendra pas ben ben longtemps.

Tu peux dormir en toute quiétude!

[–] Nevrome 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

worse OS

Not necessarily worse, it depends how you see it.

Windows lets me run my PC Gamepass for Xbox as well as Steam, retro console emulators, Python IDE etc, out of the box.

However, it doesn't let me suspend games and it sure is more taxing on the hardware to run.

As I'm not exclusively playing on Steam, the ROG is perfect for my needs.

[–] Nevrome 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Being a heavy user of the original Nintendo Gameboy and of Sega's Game Gear, I'm thrilled to see handhelds making a huge comeback. I own the ASUS ROG Ally and it's sooooo pleasant to use.

[–] Nevrome 2 points 1 year ago

We can still shout it.

Gimme an R! Gimme an S! Gimme a Rock. And. Stone!

[–] Nevrome 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm not scared this card will run 1440p at all since my 6600 XT does it considerably well. Just don't expect to reach 120/144hz while maxing out the graphics on any recent big releases.

This gen's sweet spot for performance relative to cost is still the RX 7800 XT, unless the 7700 XT gets a massive price cut.

[–] Nevrome 3 points 1 year ago

Et c'est toute une gageure que la CAQ pris!

Ça, ou ben Fitzgibbon et compagnie ont grandement hâte/envie d'acquérir des actions lorsqu'elle entrera en bourse.

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