JFC I don't know which is dumber between unironically believing in accelerationism or stanning RFK. That is fundamentally not how the world works. What's actually going to happen is that we'll continue living in the shitty system we have now except with more diseases, less access to healthcare, and more quack medicine in its place.
Appeals to restore past glory
Genuinely, what on earth are you talking about? China's past is full of poverty, humiliation, and exploitation, literally, "The century of humiliation!" The only people who "appeal to restore past glory" are the CIA-funded Shen Yun performances romanticizing "China before communism." The Chinese people I talk to will specifically point to the Qing as a clear demonstration of the danger of clinging to tradition and the necessity of adapting and looking forward.
China literally had a cultural revolution seeking to abolish tradition. I expect you would call that fascist just as you call if fascist whenever some people still follow tradition, after all:
“During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime's atheistic ideology... What we are dealing with is a nonfalsifiable orthodoxy, so assiduously marketed by the ruling interests that it affected people across the entire political spectrum.”
The classic "Mechanical Turk" scheme from the 1700's lol
The voters could have also not voted trump in, why not get mad at them?
This is so completely upside down it hurts. "Why punch up when you could punch down?"
Even if voters were the ones at fault, it's completely pointless and unproductive to blame the public at large because changing their behavior is a hell of a lot harder than changing the behavior of the handful of people running the campaign. They should be the ones to change based on what the voters want, it shouldn't be the voters who have to change based on what politicians want to do!
You completely misunderstood. I didn't call it "extreme" to say that grandma should be allowed euthanasia. What I said is that that's an extreme example, as in, a case where extreme circumstances make euthanasia a reasonable option.
Before I used the word "extreme" I literally said, "Of course, 'grandma' in your example should be allowed to die peacefully." In fact, I even called the idea that she shouldn't be able to, "an extreme position." At that point, I can only assume it's a willful misinterpretation to dismiss criticism. There is nothing "extreme" about my position that euthanasia should be legal but only in special circumstances, it's literally the moderate position on the issue.
Just because Christians say something for a stupid reason doesn't mean that the opposite is automatically 100% true. If you read the article, the film isn't coming at it from a Christian perspective at all but rather a leftist one.
Of course, "grandma" in your example should be allowed to die peacefully. But you can't use an extreme example to argue for a general case. There's plenty of room in between the extremes of, "Forcing grandma to live in constant pain" and "On demand suicide for anyone who wants it."
With those two tactics, you effectively shut down a necessary discussion on the issue - anyone who disagrees must be coming at it from an extreme, Christian perspective and can be automatically dismissed. But when we look at a young, healthy person doing it, we have to consider the broader sociological implications. Like, could the existence and normalization of that option be used as a justification against providing accommodations or trying to understand the source of the problem? Or, could the breakdown of the taboo against suicide lead more people to follow through when they might have otherwise reconsidered and gone on to work through their problems?
Suicide is violence, and very often it is violence that is directed at someone who is not the actual source of the problem. Sometimes it's the kindest, gentlest people who go down that path, not because of anything inherent to them as an individual, but because of external factors and shitty people.
Most crucially, no matter what laws are enacted, we must fight to maintain the social taboo, and push back against anyone who tries to dismantle it. Whether a person walks into a doctor's office and blows their brains out, or whether they politely ask to go through a particular procedure and sign all the forms, the end result is the same and should be regarded in the same way - the only thing that's changed is how it's dressed up. The idea that if it's legal and beurocratic, it's no longer a tragedy must always be rejected, and it's worth thinking about how to ensure that remains the case when thinking about what laws to allow.
Price of eggs.
The economic angle has been tried to death
It really, really hasn't lol.
and a constant refrain I hear is, “how can people vote against their own self-interests?!” It’s because the other side speaks to the animal brain, not the frontal lobes.
Yeah, and the animal brain wants stuff. And so do the frontal lobes, so it doesn't really matter what part of their brain they're using. Of course, you can't just maintain the status quo and talk about how the other guy would be worse. The status quo sucks and is getting worse and even if it didn't our brains aren't wired to be satisfied with it. That messaging, sure, it's been tried and failed, because it's basically just lecturing people on how they're not smart enough to understand economics and should be satisfied with what they've got. When I say economic messaging, I mean promising people new stuff beyond maintenance of the status quo.
The murder of a pretty, young nursing student activates strong emotions and has a lot more cognitive stickiness than economic arguments about who gets paid how much to pick our strawberries. Guarantee that if voters picture his grubby, little fingers sliding into a vagina in a department store dressing room, they’ll remember it.
Ok, I would like to collect on that guarantee, right now. Because you tried it already, over and over again, and it didn't fucking work. I guarantee you that it won't work if you keep trying it. If your position was at all true, Trump would've lost in 2016 when it first came out, when they could hear it straight from the horse's mouth! No matter how you phrase it, it'll never be more compelling than that moment when it first came out.
I repeat this for the third time since you seem to have missed it the first two times I said it: even if you were right, which you're absolutely not, Trump isn't even eligible to run again. Even if you've finally hit on the exact right phrasing that'll definitely get through to people, this time I swear (you didn't), you're too late.
That's ridiculous. You're thinking way too small, you can't just use the same line of attack over and over again with slightly different phrasing and expect it to suddenly start working.
Trump repeatedly crossed lines that were supposed to tank his campaign. You can't just chalk that up to some people using slightly less visceral language than you think they should have. The reason nothing sticks to him is because people have decided, "We don't care how much of a dirtbag he is, because he's our dirtbag." The only thing that can challenge that is to attack him on economics and demonstrate how he isn't actually working towards people's interests, and in order to do that convincingly, it's necessary to adopt a platform that does benefit people in a direct, material way.
For all the words that have been spilled about things like finger-raping a woman or January 6th or any of the other shitty things he's done, how much of it directly impacts the average voter? The best way to reach people is by appealing to their own material interests. Instead of, "Donald Trump fucked a pornstar" how about, "Donald Trump is fucking you, right now."
The only time Trump lost an election was when his botched handling of COVID directly impacted people's lives. I'm not sure what would have to happen for liberals to understand that the electorate does not give a shit about Trump's character. And even if they did, as I pointed out, he's not eligible to run again, so the whole thing's moot. Maybe next time they'll run someone clean as a whistle with the exact same policies, although, I suppose if they're smart, they'll run another dirtbag so liberals get distracted focusing on that.
This is the same playbook they've been using since Trump first appeared and it doesn't work. People don't care that much about Trump's scandals, they need to focus on economic messaging. Besides, he's ineligible to run again so they need to have a strategy aimed at countering the right more broadly, not just one specific person.
Shadowrun: Dragonfall, it's only for one mission but it's a really good one.