
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Ohh nice, I'll give this a go. The first game was great fun. Seems like the new one is a faster paced

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Oh what I'm referring to was nothing like that. Drag was straight up telling the user to kill themselves and such. There was no room for misunderstanding.

I don't have screenshots unfortunately and now the community/user is gone. might be able to provide proof (if you're comfortable doing this of course Draconic, no pressure)

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Ughh yeah the metroids you mentioned were such a pain. If I remember correctly there was an annoyingly long section you had to climb up whilst fighting those things.

I'm playing through Persona 3 Reload. Has been nearly two months since I started it at this point but I am really enjoying it, and the characters are great.

I've just started playing Super Mario Wonder on the Switch (a Valentine's Day present from my partner). It's excellent! Such a fresh take on the Mario formula. I never know what to expect going in to each level (singing piranha plans?) but it's left me smiling each time :3

[–] 22 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Just in case anyone wasn't aware, Drag created a community on two occasions called Fuck Draconic NEO with multiple posts telling that user to kill themselves and questioning their gender identity.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh I missed that! But wait, where you can buy half an avocado? Why would you only want half?

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

That's really insightful, thanks!

Interesting, I suppose a single fish then would generally be shared by a single 'community' around whichever store sold those cans. But other fish caught at the same time could potentially be sent to another country entirely.

In terms of waste, I meant more at the consumer level. Seeing as cans last such a long time I'm guessing the wastage would be a lot lower than other more perishable foods...

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Hmm looking at the can I got from Aldi in the UK, it says 'responsibly sourced' (whatever that means) but doesn't have an MSC certification. I'll see if I can find cans that do in future!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This video seems to suggest that quite a lot of the process is manual:

People deboning, sorting it and so on. It's not entirely clear but yeah they seem to load hunks of meat in which I guess a machine then places into cans.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Possibly, but it's always been quite hard to tell. Whenever I get cans it's always in tiny flakes so I guess that could be from multiple tunas if one can needed a top-up etc.

[–] 34 points 1 week ago

What can I say, it just feels more authentic that way


Opening up a can of tuna yesterday I was wondering 'where has the rest of this tuna ended up? How long will it be before the whole fish is eaten, and how much will be wasted'?

So this partially seems to be an issue with anything from '' such as this post

I'm just getting a broken jpg image. Same deal in browser and using the Voyager app, so I can only assume it's something on the Pawb side.

And just today I noticed a similar issue with anything coming from This could be either posts hosted on that site, or posts by users from the site. This community for example the recent posted images aren't loading:

Unsure if it's just me!

Edit: appears to be ok now!


I love pen island!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

As part of an art trade with

I wasn’t sure of your sona’s eye colour so I went with one I thought looked good! I can change it if you’d like.

Hopefully I captured your sona ok :3


I'm not sure if people care all that much, but whenever I visit this community I can't help but notice the fairly ugly icon and banner which is clearly AI generated.

Would it be worth updating these? Heck I can make something for the community if needed


So for the longest time I used a douche with a thin, hard plastic nozzle. But recently some friends mentioned they used the pictured douche which has a much thicker but softer nozzle. It also sprays to the sides to prevent the water shooting up too high.

I have a couple of questions - how deep should I be inserting the nozzle? With my old one because it shot water straight up, the depth wasn't an issue. But with this one I'm having a bit of a problem with water trickling out my butt. It's possible I'm not pushing it quite deep enough.

And the nozzle has a slight curve. What direction should that curve be facing? Towards my stomach?

Thanks for your help!


Art I drew for a friend who's into cameras!

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