Because people have become comfortable enough (can't remember the downside) to flirt with populism.
Once they get the short sharp shock of what it actually means to be governed by these people we might recover from it... Maybe
What's stopping the likes being boosted by bots? And who's to say who's controlling the bots. Elon's Musks profile it has been suggested is mostly followed by bots. Now maybe that's a third party or maybe it's Elon himself doing that. More than one way to knowingly manipulate a algorithm artificially.
But then I'm surprised that Trump hasn't started attacking "nasty indian" Nadella. I would have thought they would want to ensure Microsoft is just as in line as the others. Or I suppose it's because Google has YouTube and Search which is valuable for propaganda. MS is business stuff in the main, so it would be the equivalent of attacking IBM which to the public would seem weird.
I just wonder if MS are in line but are just better at not telegraphing it publicly. -football Blackburn Rovers - Norwich city