Back scratches from my husband are like, the most amazing relaxing thing!
We have garbage plates here, so maybe not. I mean. I know what cheese curds are, but getting them is annoying! (NJ)
But getting pregnant has to be punished, not rewarded! Because having sex is bad! Children are only a blessing because it lets us hurt women for having sex!
I think that's how they think?
A lot of roguelikes/lites where I just don't win runs. Also a lot of rpgs, but those usually on the lower levels give ways of reviving! Which is nice.
Most of my pots and pans should last a long time! I don't have cast iron, but it's still built solidly!
Video games? Bad at them. I play lowest difficulty and still die but I have fun. Baking? Pretty good! People like my baked goods and they are almost always eaten before they go bad (unless I make far too much)
My grandmother was southern, and her baking was fucking atrocious. My mother's baking is okay. They both were baffled when my baking was good.
Great grandmother could make some nice donuts though.
Lotta cranberry bogs here, and tomatoes.
Water bath canning is surprisingly easy to get into! And very safe, if you follow the safety stuff from like Ball Blue Book/Kerr and the National Center for Home Food Preservation things and such!
I'm good at home canning. I'm good at baking on a homemaking level! (No masterpiece cakes from me, but amazing holiday cookies!). I'm good at making little cats love me!
We picked up Journey and Star Traders Frontier. I've wanted to play Journey since it came out but I didn't have the proper console. Well, I forgot I put it on the wishlist, and that's a real good price so.
I've (sung? musically yelled at?) another person already.
Yesterday she decided to climb up my side while I was in bed, pulled the cover off the top of my head, then BITE MY HEAD. I told her no, she stopped. For a second. Then did it again!! So I shook her off. She sulked by sleeping against my back so I couldn't see her instead of under the covers where she likes.
She is right now in Real Kitten Hours which is running, jumping, biting. Less biting though lately.