It's used for indicating someone's maiden name usually, just tongue-in-cheek I wager by whoever wrote the title.
As someone who plays in an orchestra professionally, I totally 1000% agree with you. It's a weird fine line that I enjoy music, but I do it as a career because I really enjoy playing with other people and the music itself is almost secondary. Good luck explaining that to people who Really Like Classical Music, lol.
There's a lot of elitism in it and it sadly alienates a lot of would-be concert goers, I feel like.
Not sure of all the details, but the guy the production hired to give them information on customs/culture to use in the show turned out to be a total sham, for one.
I honestly think the 60s special effects are one of my favorite aspects about TOS. They're silly and corny and the suspension of disbelief is nonexistent but it wouldn't be the same without them. That, and also the dramatic lighting in the closeups and the extravagant eye makeup on literally everyone lol.
For those who don't want to read about how aMaZiNg this car is or just don't wanna scroll, it starts at $130,000.
Just a heads up something went wrong with your spoiler tag (at least on my end). If I'm wrong then ignore me!
That said I was thinking of him, too. The episode is one of the ones I never skip.
Am I nuts or is it missing a letter? україні
I think some of the other commenters pointing out that it reads as a command is probably a big one, but you did a pretty good job of explaining it here (imo). Even just saying to him that you want a heads up of if it's good or bad and working out a system so you don't stress would probably be a marked improvement for you, and I would bet it'd be an easy fix.
Usually it's pretty ok but I remember once being in an online PvP match and windows decided right then it NEEDED to update and started the process. It just went into update mode and restarted (oh so slowly) - my guess is there was a popup that I didn't see due to being in-game and it just went ahead and overrode whatever I was doing to update.
I think this was honestly my favorite bit of the episode. I thought their honor was challenged just because singing overall, and expected some drinking songs or klingon opera. I was so totally taken off guard by it, it absolutely made the entire episode imo. I barely even remember what it sounded like after the first second because I was laughing so hard.
My best guess is very open as in very truthful or honest? I've heard it sometimes described as someone being transparent but that's definitely not the first thing I'd think of with either word.
Sometimes, but in more official writing (like a bio or even Wikipedia) we'll use née. Just another word the English language stole from other languages 😂