Same! Keep reaching out and growing the community
The princess bride
Why can’t it be both?
If you like the chrome feel, you should check out a browser called brave. It’s built off of chromium (read as: looks like chrome) and can run all the extensions you like, but is built to be privacy minded.
Nah it’s all about those rainboots for me
I thought I saw a gallery view post yesterday. That said, I have no idea how to actually publish gallery view.
Sure, but I wouldn’t call gravitational acceleration on earth a fundamental constant, since it’s only locally useful. If something like the charge on an electron started changing though, then there would be profound consequences on the way the universe works
I see. Thanks for the advice!
The idea of evolving fundamental constants is pretty mind blowing to me. Is this a well based theory?
I see where the power is now in this cantrip. I’ll definitely consider it! What are your thoughts on friends as a utility spell?
Awww unfortunate. Those both look like great pieces. I love all the percs on the bong!
Awesome! These are definitely going to show up in my pirate campaign. Thanks for sharing!