nah, thats adam conover
nicht grundsätzlich. gibt sicher viele betriebe die das in einen großen topf schmeißen und dann aufteilen, ist aber sicher nicht standard
irre, wie die medienlandschaft hierzulande solche themen nicht aufgreift! gehts dem sack gut?
didnt want to suggest this was a response purpose-made for this image. still i find it worrying that instead of admitting it doesnt know this image/ cant tell if its fake or real, it instead directly jumps to "fake"
it also suggested that the gesture did actually originate in ancient rome. when i said that thats not true and the picture is real, it then agreed that the gesture originated in fascist italy, but also suggested the picture should be viewed in the "broader context of the event" lol
nein, an sich kann die herausgabe des pins nicht erzwungen werden, da niemand gezwungen werden kann, sich selbst zu belasten. bei unlock durch fingerabdruck oder gesicht wird das mit der argumentation umgangen, dass die polizei das recht hat, gegen den eigenen willen fotos zu machen und fingerabdrücke abzunehmen. nach dem was ich überflogen hab, ist diese praxis rechtlich aber auch eher umstritten.
suggested it was fake, in part because it depicts a "controversial handgesture". asked to clarify, it names the roman salute.
[...] and included one of the most wretched things I've ever read: that Alex Schultz, Meta's CMO, a gay man, "suggested in an internal post that people seeing their queer friends and family members abused on Facebook and Instagram could lead to increased support for LGBTQ rights."
nothing to add
thanks mate, i have been on the lookout for such a list
guess they were cramping her style
You're just upset because I dared to be critical of something you and the bandwagon enjoy.
"my opinion is unpopular, therefore i must be right" will never not be hilarious to me. but hey, go ahead and enjoy the metal gear games. i heard they are a bit underground, but that seems to suit your style
just out of curiosity: does anybody know what they mean by "nuclear war apologist"?