
joined 2 years ago
[–] Smk 10 points 5 months ago

Plastic has multiple type that each require a different process for recycling.

Having a bunch of plastic all mixed up together needs people to manually separate them.

It's a joke.

[–] Smk 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)


[–] Smk -2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Because they don't care about their workers ? Do we really want cars made by Chinese slaves ? Like we do with our t-shirts ? Fuck no.

[–] Smk 1 points 6 months ago

Why not subsidize electric bike Jesus Christ. Why the fuck are we subsidizing the auto industry, they got us by the fucking balls already.

[–] Smk 3 points 6 months ago

B'en trop vrai, j'vais aller boire de l'eau plein de plastique en attendant.

[–] Smk 3 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Tabarnak yetait temps siboire. Ça pis l'obligation que les produits soient facilement recyclable.

Come on caliss.

[–] Smk 22 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Sorry but that is idiotic.

Late stage capitalism is much more hidden and affects part of the society you wouldn't consider.

An example of late stage capitalism is how we don't have time to make families anymore. It is much cheaper to bring in immigration than to allow men and women to fuck around and raise children instead of working.

Late stage capitalism will fuck with how you, as an individual, can start your own business. Look at how subburbs are made and regulated. You can't start a small business in here. You gotta go to the designated area which is owned by big box company. The only place is downtown which is now so fucking expensive, you can't even get in. He'll, you are not even allowed to build a small coffee shop for your neighbors for Christ's sake.

International economy is another factor. Look, we had a lot of industry workers in textile, electronics and other industries. Where are they now ? In China, India and other countries because we don't have to care about these people work place condition. Do you even know how much a t-shirt should cost normally? It's not supposed to be 4.99$.

This conservative vs liberal is a distraction. Liberals and Conservatives are actively pushing late stage capitalism. It's a joke. You think Pierre is gonna stop immigration? lol, that's what late stage capitalism wants. Immigrants that are easy to fuck with because they need a job to stay in this country. It's horrible.

Pierre or Justin aren't gonna do any of this social shit. They both want to get those juicy economics number up because that's a good argument to get re-elected.

[–] Smk 3 points 7 months ago

C'est pas populaire et ça les aiderait pas à se faire élire.

[–] Smk 0 points 7 months ago

Is this a joke

[–] Smk 3 points 7 months ago

Canada is the second largest country. I say we make it THE largest country. Let's split Russia into many more country. Let's do it. Let's ets go.

[–] Smk 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

J'me demande toujours comment les pays européens voient ça. Genre plein d'immigrant Français de criss de leur pays. Ça doit être frustrant pour eux.

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