
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Wow, well done! I have few questions:

How many years in the hobby/attempts did it take you to reach that point ?

Any major tip you would give ?

Did you plant everything in one go or in batches ?

I guess you water change/ maintenance every week ?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I started with pirates of the carribean, so...

blackpearl: main PC Redpearl: raspberry pi Purplepearl: refurbished laptop. The router is ... router

The phone is zizidane ("donkey dick" in French, also playword on Zinedine Zidane).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

You laughing, but that is great neighbouring management. Someone must have said "we're not voodooing, we're hoodooing" and the city added a no hoodooing part

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Started last year and donated twice so far. The first time I got dizzy, so I did a half bag the next time and felt better. Felt better the second time, even after a long day at work.

No specific reason other than feeling good about yourself and reap any health benefit to it, if at all. Surely it must be good somehow to stimulate blood creation ? I'm happy to do it, I feel a better person for it.

You are weak the day and the next day, so better not plan any long hike or strenuous activities. But it's okay for another long day in office.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I feel you bro: switching gaming headset to regular HDMI output is a pain in the ass every time.

More details: I have nari ultimate headset, with 2 channels, one for chat, one for games. I only use it TI game with friends, rest of the time I use HDMI regular output. I use discord on Firefox.

Here it comes: im watching YouTube with the HDMI output. Then, gaming time, log on discord (web) in Firefox, turn on headset. Wrong ! My friends can hear me, but I can't. No matter what I click in this applet that you screenshoted, Firefox always defaults to the HDMI output. The workaround: I need to turn on headset first, then open firefox. Then it works.

So it's like firefox doesn't know that the headset is on. Like it cannot detect it, or doesn't process the notification or something. Maybe wrong dbus message ?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Why do freetube and new pipe break at different moments in time ? Iirc, it first started for new pipe, then for a little while with pipepipe, and it's freetubes turn.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Agree, I think it's kind of what I mean, or maybe I misinterpret your point ?

Last non violent rebellions, like the HK yellow umbrella, or the yellow jackets in France, have always been met with violence, whether political, or physical. Prison, disappearance, chopped arms, punctured eyes etc

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

It takes guts and strength. In the mass of population, this is found in people who have nothing to lose. Today, you always have something to lose. It's called comfort. If you don't have comfort, someone's pressuring you in one way or another, and you don't have strength to rebel. You can't. Literally.

If you have comfort, why would you rebel at all.

Then, anything goes, no matter how offended you are.

The stupidest win because of fear. They are not inherently stupid, they just make the stupid choice. Making a stupid choice doesn't make you stupid forever (except in the US).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Iirc, the problem with fishbowls is the small surface available for gas exchange. So I'd advise against fish in such setup, especially if you dont run a pump/airpump. Should be fine for invertebrates like shrimps, snails, crabs, but with heavy planting. Can't wait to see your finished project!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 weeks ago

I love dried shrimp. They smell very strong, are quite salty and I think full of cholesterol, but when I start a pack, it's difficult for me to stop eating

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Je suis toujours impressionné par les caisses automatiques de décathlon. Sont-ce ces caisses IA ?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Thanks for correcting me !

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


First post here :P

After 180hours of "Against the Storm" i wanted to share a few tips and tricks i've gathered. It's not an exhaustive list, and only my opinion. I've never consulted any guide, this is what i gathered from playthroughs. It may contain minor spoilers but nothing about the story of the campaign.

I'm currently level 16, onwards to that gold seal unlock, and i have unlocked prestige 3.

Here we go:

  1. Choose wisely your next tile before starting a town: the available ressources, the inhabitants you start with as well as the caravan points you spend: no need to invest in farms in marshlands, or spend points on the hut lvl 2 if there is only one kind of available resources you will use it for.

  2. Most (all?) maps start the same. You are always able to draw a straight road from one end of the glade to the other, passing by the heart and the main storage.

  3. I start all my games the same:

3.1 build the woodcutters next to the closest glade i'm interested in, one of the small ones and start chopping. When it's opened, i will move the woodcutting to the side of the hearth, see 3.3

3.2 build whatever hut i need to collect ressources

3.3 elect the side of the hearth i will build the houses in. There's enough room on the sides to align two rows of 2 large house + one special house. Ultimately, that will be 4 large houses 2 special houses on this side. Repeat if need more housing.

3.4 depending on the difficulty, build the comfort park to gain that +1 resolve (hearth lvl 1) and weather the storms better

3.5 one of your first three building MUST be able to make planks with at least 2 stars.

3.6 build roads all around hearth and storage

  1. Some of my favourites cornerstones:
  • x ressources/min: having a steady income of one of the ressources you're missing for clothes or food is tip top
  • 2 provisions for each new villager: ultimate if you plan on leveraging on trade routes, you wont have to craft them provisions no more !
  • increase production of wood: then you can move on with either planks or coal and dont worry about wood shortage
  1. Before the storm starts, take a close look at the coming negative events, and check if you can decrease hostility or improve resolve:
  • shutting down wood cutting, if you can afford it, can reduce hostility (some modifiers cancel this)
  • affecting workers to jobs that they like (blue highlight) will improve the morale for this population, potentially preventing resolve to drop below one and causing people to leave
  • can always speed up time while your colony is waiting out the storm and reaffect everybody in their right place back after the storm. However, for the coming year, you need build/choose perks and buildings that will improve the situation for next storm as possible.
  • sacrificing wood or coal in the hearth decrease hostility
  • build that first comfort park to reach hearth lvl 1
  1. Trading
  • considering one pack of provision is worth one gold (money), do the maths for the trade routes to decide if it's worth it: might reconsider giving those 16 planks for 5 gold if you need them.
  • buying luxury/manufactured items (beer, clothes, wine...) is cheaper than raw materials.
  • It may be worth to invest in those 40 biscuits 1 minute before the storm, to boost up resolve before the storm hits
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