Every guy needs to slay a few cougs' early on in their sexual career; it's a rite of passage that builds confidence and ideally helps train the dude on how to please a woman. Now wake up Maggie, I think I've got something to say to you
joined 1 year ago
But what about your DNA? Have you reversed your specific genome yet?
principal skinner looking down at the camera with eyes narrowed
Just waitin' to be cracked and have those features re-enabled
And pencil skirts... and tight, buttoned blouses...and heels....and glasses...
Remember, if anyone is ever attracted to you, they must be fetishising you!
Peter Navarro can go fuck himself right in his One Brown Eye
I like to fiddle with the little lever that goes between single round, burst, and fully automatic, kind of like a fidget spinner or a finger skateboard. But it's also good to just bind it to Mouse4 right next to a bind to switch to your knife, you know, so you can run faster
The future is the past!
Fuckin Parappa the Rapper, baby