Das ist genauso unbekannt, wie die Zeit, zu der die USA "great" waren.
Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, dann ist bei CoViD die Nasenschleimhaut das Einfallstor. Die Lunge ist nur später betroffen, weil alle kleinen und kleinsten Blutgefäße in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden.
"Joa, so isser halt der Schmidt."
Der ist jetzt übrigens Hoher Repräsentant der UN für Bosnien-Herzegowina und übt somit dort hohe Exekutivgewalt aus.
CalDAV / CardDAV servers such as Nextcloud or Baikal usually offer Tasks along their calendar functionality. These servers then can easily be integrated into desktop clients like Thunderbird or Android apps like Tasks.org and others.
Thank you. I didn't know that.
But isn't for https the traffic supposed to be e2e encrypted between the client web browser and the server hosting the web page with the same cert? Does cloudflare decrypt and then re-encrypt the traffic data?
Aldi sometimes has organic Tabasco-like red chili sauce produced in Danmark.
I don't get the 'man in the middle' part. Is the ssl key for the encrypted https connection not from LW, but from cloudflare?
It's still problematic that they have metadata of the connections.
Thank you. So that's why you 'see' an US IP address while the physical server may be located anywhere, e.g. in Germany.
By looking at their Wikipedia, I've already found out that Cloudflare doesn't do hosting.
Cloudflare doesn't do the hosting, just DNS/domain related related stuff. LW says they're hosting at Hetzner.
Probably nowhere. They had eventually 80 days off per year (holidays) – including Sundays. Additionally craftsmen and farmers (but probably not peasants) worked also on the 'free' days.
https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/arbeitszeit-frueher-und-heute-die-hohe-anzahl-von-100.html (in German)