Good riddance. I could always tell how inefficient those bulbs were, simply from trying to touch them to change the bulb. All that heat is wasted energy.
Plus there's a lot of neat things we can do with the new LED bulbs, including adding Wi-Fi circuits to make them smart bulbs. And the price of those LED bulbs is dropped so much, I don't even really worry about the price difference anymore.
Allegorical Christianity
In that, yeah, western pluralism is derived from a "Rhode Island" interpretation of tolerance from Jesus Christ's teachings in the New Testament. But waa the guy diety? Nah.
Was raised LDS/Mormon for the first three decades of my life. But gradually burned out of it as the church became more demanding and greedy -- and slowly evolved away from "Rhode Island" tolerance Christianity into a near- LGBTQ hate group. The church decided to die on that hill, and I left. I believe Jesus teaches me to be kind, understanding, and tolerant.
The LDS/Mormon church is basically obsessed over anti-LGBTQ acceptance and tithing (money). If it were on the Nasdaq, the church would rival Lockheed Martin in market cap. Yet they are hella stingy helping the poor and still demand even the church's poorest members to pay their "widow's mite" of 10 percent. It's downright immoral.