I know, and I think those suggested messages are too long, varied, and interesting. If there was only one consistent message saying the exact same thing, it won't encourage people to try and read every sign. The signs aren't gonna keep some non human intelligence out, as nuclear waste isn't dangerous long enough for that to happen.
They could've, but it would be out of character, so it was unlikely. They were too greedy to support a social contract where they give up power for mutual benefit
I still don't understand why it can't just say "Dangerous trash; You will get sick and die" if it's gonna have text at all. Those phrases are a real "don't think of a pink elephant" type of bs
nah, she could do that because she was a badass
Source is Sorry, but I'm Not into Yuri btw
No economy; no stability; only Trump. Honestly, I think a lot people underestimated the man, assuming he's just a blind fool born into power who failed upwards. They didn't want to believe that he had any skills whatsoever, and every idiotic move he's ever made helped their confirmation bias write him off. In truth, Trump has succeeded by thinking outside the box. He realized that the system was weak and failing, just like when fascism took Europe. The neoliberal model was inherently unstable, and thanks to his first hand experience trying to win elections as a liberal, Trump discovered their weaknesses. They lacked the creativity to imagine someone having the guall to take on the global capitalist model and rule as a king.
His support comes from the populist fanatics and the rich; an alliance of evil that no one else could empower like a silver spoon fascist. He became indispensable to the connection the rich have to the fanatic commoners, playing them better than anyone else. Tim Waltz calling Trump weird only helped, because that's what he was: an opulent oddball, a freak of nature, a queer troll in a royal crown. No crazy rich person the wealthy could conjure stood a chance, and despite every effort from a DeSantis or Ramaswamy, no one had the identity or skill to stand beside him. Trump figured out that the rich were his weakest link. They wanted someone more controllable, but if someone was actually controllable, they'd never beat him.
Every move in this election season, from his ousting of a loyal, yet independently powerful ally like Kevin McCarthy, to him picking a liberal weakling who licked MAGA boots for everything he had, was to eliminate competition. He monopolized the market for powers the rich can support, and through crashing the economy, he seeks to weaken every one of them. They have no levers to pull except assassination and violent opposition at this point.
Trump will likely kill Elon Musk, Night of Long Knives style using loyal fascists, to assert dominance and eliminate an independent power at its peak. The rich only own stuff because the government says so, and now Trump is the government.
bad stuff wit bi-dan, plus taiwifs by Twump. rich buttheads' fault! X8
Mad has a range of meanings in the US too :/
I mean, it usually is heterosexual, with trans girls getting chased by men
oops X3c