That is ridiculous
Sure, you could...
Cute idea, but 8 characters is not a good length. Neat if more symbols and longer length card could be generated.
Length of 8 and only a-Z plus numbers 0-9?
That could be cracked in an offline attack in minutes...
I'm using flatpack version which is much more up to date.
I think the big thing is compatibility with current Microsoft office versions.
So there is benefit from being on a newer version unless you're only using Libre and not sending each other people who are opening it in Microsoft office versions.
Haha this made me chuckle. Having experienced working with one of the named parties.
Then again they are very effective at running up costs
Penpot is the Open-Source Design & Prototyping Tool for Product Teams
You can self host it easily on docker
I self host my own local copy of penpot running on docker, I sure think it's neat and was really impressed.
Penpot is the Open-Source Design & Prototyping Tool for Product Teams
I'm sure spaceX has nothing to do with it.../s
Great question!
A National internet ID of course!
it might be called a Crypto-quantum-cyber-safety-passcode and you'll need to use it in any site that collects and stores data about you. It will be for your safety!
Speaking of...
Has it ever been explored to pen a modern day update similar to , or to the constitution (amendment)?
(It would add new things) which could prevent future stupid laws and the encroachment of individual privacy and how other entities can collect, store, use and sell one's data and metadata they create. It would also avoid wasting of resources..
I'm sure there are other modern things today that the founding fathers could never have imagined at the time - but you better believe they would have included if they had the slightest idea!
The tough part is that it would need to be well thought out and reasonable (and practical)
Otherwise, it will always be a knee jerk defensive reaction to all this nonsense all the time. It's exhausting and a waste of $
I've been re-exploring these split keyboards... Thanks for replying . How are you liking this?
Is there anything you would change?
How is your typing speed? I'm a fast typer and type a lot everyday.. less a gamer but something like this would also be fun to build and program.
I still think this is one of the cooler ones that I have seen! 👍 Good job!
Really interesting