@[email protected] The Saturn never made an impression on me growing up. I never knew anyone who had one and in my head, it's the poor Playstation. (I know that's not true but it's the memories of friends and magazines of the time.) I have this nugget of information that it was actually a very impressive machine but very hard to program.
@[email protected] I had a cover CD (maybe DVD?) from somewhere that was filled with E3 videos. One was a MGS promo that run for ten minutes or so. I used to watch it obsessively, I thought the game looked amazing and was sad I didn't have a PS1.
I eventually got my own copy when it came to GameCube and that was a very nice port, really well done.
@[email protected] Isn't Contra the game with the stolen Predator poster artwork? They just changed his head.
@[email protected] and if course, here in the UK we got the better name of Lylat Wars. 🤮 But that was on the box, everyone else just called it Starwing. 😄
@[email protected] Did you know they were porting Doom to the 3DO. It was going to have FMV cut scenes telling a story. There have been several pictures of these videos circulating but the actual videos have never appeared.
@[email protected] that was another great one. A friend had the Jaguar, so I played on it quite a bit. He got quite a lot of games, including the bad ones and even the cdrom add-on as well.
@[email protected] I bought this one. I'm not a die hard Trekkie but I like the show and this is a really good game.
I think there's a fan community that has kept it going all these years.
@[email protected] pre-rendered backgrounds meaning the 3D power could be concentrated on the character models. Wonderful looking game that I bought pretty sharpish on release and it made me jump several times. But how on earth did we accept tank controls as normal? 😆
@[email protected] @[email protected]
dailydungeon.net #944
👟 998
⏱ 05:11
That was a little bit of fun!
@[email protected] I knew nothing of the StarCraft franchise but this one looked really good. I was bummed out when it was cancelled.
Being a GameCube owner wasn't always a fun time.