Ah saw the username.
AI is taking our jerbs!
I made a platformer in BASIC, with killing stars, jumping, dissolving floors and all that clqssic stuff.
It ran at a "correct" speed but not faster.
Started the ASM/machinecode version, the sprite just disappeared when moving because it was so fast. IIRC I thought it about 500 times faster.
"no one wants to work anymore"
The pay is not up to scratch.
Then everyone clapped
I'm not knowledgeable about the marvel dc writings, maybe they have merit, but modern films from it are just so flat and uninteresting IMO, no depth in personalities and only BANG POOF WOW, no storyline, nothing really gappens. Guess it sells better to kids or something.
Yeah I got a whole bunch for whatever reason.
The statue was given by the french, but the USA started by giving one to France IIRC (they paid for the first one in Paris if I got that correctly). It's obviously smaller, you can see it on one of the bridges in Paris.
Actually there are a whole bunch of them in Paris, that's a little rabbit hole if you're curious.
Get help
Oh no.
I bet it wont be that cheezy good like the original, probably by the producers of marvel or something..
It must be something that isn't giving autism, otherwise you can't spin a conspiracy around it ...
The Connect mobile client is really good IMO.