TIL activism is really just a dick-waving competition.
No, just another stupid cunt on the Internet cosplaying revolutionary.
Imagine spending most of your adult life with an affected world-weary detachment from society and beliving it makes you anything but a insufferable juvenile shithead.
Muh investments
The kitchen I work in is in a state bordering Canada. We use Canadian meat produced less than two hours away from our storefront on family farms, not some massive agriculture conglomerate. We know these people on a first name basis and have bought from them for well over a decade.
That might have to stop. We've already seen our prices go up 25% in the last month because these families have to compensate for the stupid fucking tariffs levied on them for shipping product less than two hours away.
We need these Canadian products because there is no state-side alternative that doesn't require us to kiss corpo ass or use inferior product at a higher cost. Trump's bullshit is not only hurting the farms we rely on, but hurting us as well from the loss in sales we see from price jumps. The fact people voted this simpleton into office knowing shit like this was going to happen is infuriating beyond words.
I like to remind my fellow Americans who think Canadians are push-overs that the Nazis feared fighting Canadians more than any other Allied force because of how much more relentless they were on the battlefield.
It's true. It feels like the only place on the planet that rewards being that ignorant and hateful lout at the party who thinks compassion is some type of gay sex.
This village needs to be sacked and burned to the fucking ground.
That guy sounds like he thinks his kids owe him money for raising them. Disregard the stupid bastard.
This asshole will be trying to explain to the guards that he voted for Trump and not like these groomers as he's loaded onto the next bus headed for the camps.
Bro acting like Jim Hendrix, Chuck Berry, and Little Richard don't exist.
As of 2023, Rap/hip-hop is the most popular genre in the US.
Translation: I was a mooching dirtbag for four years and called it protesting.