Have you guys made up with France yet?
Basically the blue banana region then
Only across the street, they can see into the window
How does the poet decide where the line endings should be? Is there a rhyme or syllable count I'm missing here? And the last line, is that a specific spacing over to the right?
Just in case, it's a reference to the Sun newspaper "winning" the election for Tony Blair's New Labour government
Ahhh, that makes way more sense. Thanks
Why does the bool have brackets? I haven't really used c#, seems odd
Gradually watermelon... I like shapes.
Twisted translations
Do people manually remove the date from these so it's not so obvious that it's ancient?
It's Charlie in France
There was a decent version of it at the Olympics closing ceremony
Sounds like the pothole road should be closed. And we should draw up some kind of peace accord with those angry mutant coconut trees.
Have you guys made up with France yet?