Their top candidate for the upcoming EU elections said, that the SS wasn't that bad and there were decent people in it. One of their members of parliament shares memes showing wehrmachts soldiers at a machine gun with the caption "the fastest German asylum process can handle 1400 requests per minute" A party official who speaks of disposing members of parliament with Turkish origin Above mentioned Höcke, who calls the memorial for Jewish victims in Berlin a mark of shame for Germany
Who to call Nazi if not people who glorify Nazis and speak like Nazis? You are making a fool of yourself if you defend these people
Krah wasn't kicked out, they just didn't want him to show up to events because of looks. Now that the election is over watch them fully embrace that treasonous, SS glorifying nazi back as their top candidate. Also I bet it will not take longer than two weeks until LePenne forgets that the AfD is more and more admiting to be fascist and welcomes them back to ID