what do we call this scandal? seagate? seagate...gate?
+1 towards turn-based games for your commute, keeps it easy to still be engaged with everything around you so you don't miss a stop or something. i really love the Mystery Dungeon games, which are roguelikes in the literal sense that they're procedurally generated dungeon crawlers where you start from scratch (or scratch-ish depending on how beginner friendly the title) when you die. the pokémon spinoffs are the most well known but there have been a lot of crossovers with other series as well as a line of completely original games called Shiren the Wanderer
i also have to mention Densha De Go, not because they would be particularly feasible but c'mon. don't you wanna drive a train while riding a train? it's real-er than VR!
i wish we got to spend more time with Captain Georgiou. she saw potential in Michael when no one else did, but didn't see the disrepency between what she was and could be. she paid the ultimate price for making her the xo, and it arguably led to a quadrant wide war. that's interesting! the Emperor always felt to me like an excuse to reuse an actor and just came across like more noise in a season that already had too many anttagonists.
it's worth bearing in mind that comparing audacity and reaper is like comparing notepad++ to libreoffice- in many cases libreoffice is a much more robust program but in others all the extra bells and whistles are bloat. you wouldn't want to program in libreoffice!
that said audacity has some wildly bizzare design, and any forks are either even worse with this or incredibly unstable, so audacity being terrible isn't wrong sadly
i imagine they have a judiciary system, what with all those scales
next you're gonna tell me he never finished high school!
um obviously they mean Secret Messages, ELO's much maligned 1983 penultimate album that has since developed a cult following surrounding the original planned 2LP tracklist before it was reduced to one disc shortly before release
interesting read, and in fairness i skipped parts that pertained the episodes i haven't seen yet (working my way through now), but i'm not sure i agree with the premise. B'Elanna is an outsider because she's an academy dropout and maquis, but not because of her Klingon heritage- there are no aspects of being human she doesn't understand and no one treats her differently than if she were fully human. take away the ridges and infrequent cultural mentions and she's indistinguishable from a human with a slightly hot temper. she is a great character, but i think her appeal comes from the many ways she's relatable moreso than the ultimately cosmetic ways she's alien
getting from there to here...
we watching the Picard S3 finale when they're back on the D (or E?)
yeah but where's the pun in that