Thank you for your service.
There, it's out.
Yah, the at times almost universal male genital mutilation in the US goes back to religious nutjobs like Kellog & co to stop boys from masturbating. It's also what motivated Kellog, in his quest for the blandest food, to invent cornflakes, because, apparently, spicy foods make you naughty. Good Glob, I wish I was kidding.
This has got to be part of a bigger ploy to undermine the Onion and other satire publications.
I read your comment as snarky and sly. Sorry if I misinterpreted it.
If you really want to understand what he's saying I suggest you read up on South African history. Or go the easier route and listen to the podcast "History of South Africa" by Des Latham which you can find, for example, on Spotify. Your line of questioning and the downvotes on that comment are a display of ignorance. It was simply a statement of facts, no questioning of Elon being an incarnate turd.
A distinction necessitated by marketing abusing it and watering it down beyond usefulness. Rinse and repeat and we'll be talking about SAAGAITSRI (super advanced actual general artificial intelligence that shows real intelligence) in 10 to 20 years.
Yah, right, and Hitler was a communist. /s
I've no time/energy to deal with that level of trolling right now.
Let's go ahead and call Trump's politics "liberal justice". It's all just meaningless words that we can associate with whatever we want. That's more along the lines of how "AI" is used in marketing.
No. That's another bullshit marketing term people came up with when confronted with the fact that their "AI" contains no I.