They wrote antidexterity
Kann ein Loch denn überhaupt jucken?
I'm surprised he only managed to get to Pennsylvania after 5 days.
Is there any evidence that this really matters on top of the protections and limits that are already built in and obscured from the user? There's such a cult around this feature, but I'm not convinced.
This is fascinating and very sad at the same time. I'm curious to see how reading is taught here in Germany once we have a school-aged kid.
One thing that sticks out to me is that apparently, teachers in the US tend to stick very close to the teaching materials they are provided (at least, that's how it sounds in this article and others I have read before). Growing up in Germany, it felt like teachers would customize their lessons more.
Absolut richtig. Allerdings scheinen ja sehr viele AfD-Wähler und andere rechte Menschen tatsächlich davon überzeugt zu sein, dass die Ampel an allem Schuld ist.
I don't think so, my point was that there's not only uncertainty in converting the idea to language and language back to an idea, but there's also uncertainty when transferring language from one person to another.
There's also the difference between what you think the words you say mean and what they understand from your words.
Keep it. I still have my uncle on Steam over 8 years later.
Now with Vitamin R!
They wrote antidexterity, not ambidexterity