Freeze that time baby!! First playthru was on switch. I had no idea what i was missing out on with mods.
Bro. I would like to subscribe to your sonic news letter. Also fuck the bosses at the end of sonic 2. I died like 100 times there cuz no rings.
No. I tried to use it for 10 minutes and couldn’t figure out how to voice chat. No way it fills in for Disc.
Completely forgot I had this until seeing this image. Brain skipped straight to the SP.
One way to solve the “content appearing offset to right” problem is to move your tabs to the right side. Works pretty well for me..
Pizza allday, and every day, theres cheese on the floor..
I use CJB cheats to stop time, the time pressure bothers me a little so keeping it off is more chill.
Edit- and the one that shows where everyone is on the map. Huge time saver.
Ah okay, so more ways of doing things in case gamescope is broken, nice!
What does this mean for end users? Perf gains? I cant really tell that my game is being scoped rn..
Lmao, so true. Buhh my user experience!! As if consuming endless amounts of garbage on reddit is a good experience.
Lmao. Sunrakus reaction to finding out everyone is still in the party is priceless.
I was just thinking of Star Fox Assault for GC. Great ost too.