Totally going to defeat that 400 year dictatorship of capital which has only previously made concessions to workers when there was a tangible alternative system presenting some threat to theirs with an election. Keep it up. Believe in you. <3
I mean they just try to collect the highest bid and then ban you if you don't pay. I'm thinking it's just someone fucking around.
Edit: yeah I'm guessing this is it. If you social engineer support and pretend to be them... Seems like John Smith is the bidders' name on the site, before they turned me away.
Something's wrong with you if you think Chinese censorship is denied anywhere... It's just funny to contrast coverage in the west to how little discussion there is of our owners' budget for counterrevolutionary activities and propaganda and sabotage and espionage against any country making its own decision. Let alone illegal sanctions, invasions, occupations... Or neverending examples of states which acquiesced simply being exploited by collaborators. As if there's no reasonable historical explanation for such a censorship regime to have ever existed... As the US rolls out its own versions of Web censorship.
Capitalism sure isn't making everything worse all the time and ruining the world wtih zero meaningful incremental reforms amounting to shit or anything 😙
I'll read this if you can move it to a document viewer that's more tor-friendly than g docs (so no scribd or whatever unless there's a new privacy frontend for it)
Surprised SMRs are catching on, wonder how soon until one of these barely scraped together pieces of work comes online. Or worse....
I assume Mastodon is equally capable of recommending things, but if it's a common problem that people aren't patient enough with then it could be fatal. It's still an open question whether federation as its been used thus far is really there yet. I'm not entirely convinced, I'm glad it's being tried. I'll take a stab at it, I've worked on P2P distributed key-value storage for years. No huge ambitions though, I don't really care about this use case. My conception of federation is closer to newsgroups, ideally it's a global namespace for a topic but the feed is controllable by, effectively, a federated moderator web-of-trust that users can selectively opt into and demote mods as a personal preference. Maybe someone else can do it because I'm so disinterested.
it's microblogging
I never used Twitter personally, only exposed thru osmosis, so a reboot is very underwhelming. Seems perfect for somebody.
Ahah, that's relevant. Though the only difference this time will probably be Schumer having less facetime because the Democrats having vastly less power in Congress/the Senate. Nobody in the room is making any decision that would meaningfully worsen their conditions or those of anyone whose conditions they care about.
Trump's embracing Schumer here, I'd rate this 0% adversarial because I'm a sicko who's seen their body language/interactions which were well documented during the first Trump admin.
The attacker can just be smarter and use various ASNs + out-proxies for their backend.
My background is small-world network in distributed systems and anti-censorship software like Hyphanet. If the goal is to evict/lessen the purview of the metadata harvesting nodes then some version of web-of-trust + proof of work could be implemented.
Everyone making decisions in either country for decades has been gunning for a war in Europe or actively profiting off of this one. The war will continue as long as it can by throwing money at it unless there's simply more to be made buying up the aftermath and installing collaborators to impose World Bank/IMF austerity for generations, or the bottom is rising up.