Alexandra Geese
Don't worry, it will definitely be available by 2018.
So back to the search engine with the serious and sensical name "Google" then?
Yeah, me too. It is quick and easy. I use SyncThing for things I want to keep synced.
Were your siblings or cousins on Facebook before that became a thing?
I run CalyxOS on FP4, and I like it. It also has FP5 support. As far as I know, mobile Linux distros like postmarketOS work on (at least) FP4, but key phone functionality is lacking. There's a functionality matrix on their wiki.
That will be a good thing - you need to spend much time on these bikes to burn off the calories from all the verification cans you are forced to consume.
I'm not really sure what information and controls these features enable, and this is more motivated from a "They have the functionality, so I want to make use of it if I can" rather than a specific need. But things like "estimated time to finish" could be nice.
The use of smart outlets is a clever idea to get some of this information..
Yeah, that was as far as my own research took me as well. Thought I'd give it a shot to see if anyone had figured out how to or knew whether it was possible.
I did not buy these devices for these features at all, so no great loss, but would be nice to make use of it if I could.
That sounds awesome
The reason a very small subset of users love it*
All the downloads making it the top app in the app stores are from people using their centralized service. The people behind these downloads have no clue that you can run it locally or can even start to understand what that would even mean. It is this usage the article is addressing.
Like the thread starter, I am also confused to why this in particular draws so much hate.