@jon@vivaldi.net @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net Could make it so you could click through them or add left and right arrows to cycle them faster. Really depends how many other widgets people have and how much space becomes a premium.
@jon I like Firefox and Vivaldi.
FF is totally open source and often renders fonts better than Chromium-based browsers and the PDF reader is more robust. I'm currently working through an online training module and it's the only PDF program that lets me highlight sections of the provided documentation and will remember changes when I save the document.
Vivaldi has a ton of features and is pretty quick and responsive, especially on Android. Still having odd issues with the mail client and I'm really not sure what to make of or do with the new dashboard though.
@voxel @privacy Your formatting isn't consistant. Some sections are left justified some are centered.
Also try typing posts out into a word processer to catch spelling errors.
Some proper names are capitalized in some parts and not in others.
You recommended Brave search but admittedly didn't reaearch it.
@timbuck2themoon gods help me, I kind of want to try it...