
joined 2 years ago
[–] droopy4096 2 points 3 days ago

NDP should really go back to Social Democratic roots and double down on them. That is the only thing that can differentiate them from Libs and Cons. Present arrangement granted NDP great leverage, being in minority they were able to push through a lot of great items. Can't hope for this now. They Have To stand out.

[–] droopy4096 1 points 5 days ago

great. then we shall ban any conservative think-tanks funded from abroad or by multinationals...

[–] droopy4096 1 points 1 week ago

They could've stripped president of immunity and most powers on the way out and complicated process of restoring that... which would be very democratic yet they've failed to do that

[–] droopy4096 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

They could've "poisoned the well" by locking the status quo and forcing legislation timelines to be 2yr+ so that nothing gets canceled until next midterms muzzling GOP and they could've stripped POTUS of his powers by POTUS submitting an executive order etc... multiple ways to go about it and they did not touch a single one other than "pardons"...

[–] droopy4096 29 points 1 week ago (11 children)

so, with POTUS47 so blatantly (ab)using superpowers granted to him WHY did Biden fail to use even fraction of the same powers to protect the country?

[–] droopy4096 20 points 1 week ago

this is called extortion and racketeering... citizens get sentenced for this, POTUSes get to be idolized by electorate...

[–] droopy4096 1 points 2 weeks ago

In Dscover Flatpacks usually show "recommended" on respective selections etc. so I'm confused what's the noise is about. Personally I'm never confused where I'm installing Flatpack from

[–] droopy4096 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

erm... for them to move to center they have to shift left. Currently they are pretty much righ of the center. They are only to the left of Republicans.

[–] droopy4096 9 points 2 weeks ago

the only place where I a may agree with you is diversifying our trade partners. The rest of "bend over and take it from bully" is a load of horse hockey. Smith is a snake in the grass throwing country under the bus for the sake of oil industry which is largely... foreign owned. So we can and should stand up to bully, not sure whether Lib strategy is any good, but US takes to meddling in our country politics and that's no good at all.

[–] droopy4096 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

glaring mistakes in facts like lack of comprehension of what Communism is undermine the argument.

For example:

"You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy. Whatever you want you'll rent and it'll be delivered by drone". Isn't that literally how ownership was in the USSR, except without the drones? "

at the very least you're confusing collective ownership when personally you own nothing but collectively you have free access to everything with "renting" communism precludes monetary relationship in general. Now USSR didn't get there but renting was not on the menu either.

this sounds very much like power hungry capitalists whose entire premise is to restrict ownership to "haves" and force rent on "have not's"... there's more but yeah. Not saying Carney is great or worthy but with twisted facts argument is moot.

[–] droopy4096 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

libertarians calling out POTUS47 on his lunacy, now that is something...

[–] droopy4096 1 points 3 weeks ago

Finally he played up for his best buddy from russia. ICC illegitimacy gets another crook off the hook for crimes against humanity. Their common Israeli friend sire enjoyed that as well... N. Korean buddy probably uncorked his vintage champagne to celebrate the occasion.


Pi Cap has everything I need for my project in terms of function, however their howto page has 2022 update stating that Bullseye does not work with it and one needs to use Buster. I would appreciate any pointers.


Is there an abridged version (1-2 pages) of main game math mechanics for v3.5 or v5?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by droopy4096 to c/[email protected]

Does anyone else experience "avalanche" of app crashes on each thunderbolt dock unplug with Fedora 41 KDE edition?

I have file an issue and linked some of the crash reports already ( https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2329570 ) but I am curious whether it's something specific to my setup or a general problem?

Youtube bumps me out (self.libretube)

I haven't looked at youtube content for a while, however lately I can't watch any videos using libretube. Something about "prove you're not a bot" which I assume is a consequence of google's crusade against add-ons and 3rd party tools. Is there a way around it or are we done with YT?

Window sills material (self.woodworking)
submitted 9 months ago by droopy4096 to c/woodworking

I'm trying to make my own window sills in our new house. We have windows rather deep so depth is around 9in and wide - 42/60in. I'm looking at read oak vs douglas fir. Red oak is mainly available in sub 8in cuts. The only one I found in 9in is 3/4 thick. Would that be sufficient to support plant pots or potentially human sitting on them? However Fir I can get in various sizes so I was looking at 1in thick.

Which one would be more practical? Oak at 3/4 or Fir at 1in?

My reading was that fir is sufficiently softer so plant pots may leave imprints etc. or am I wrong there?


I've tried several clients now, and unlike Reddit clients I cannot locate any of the posts/comments I've upvoted in the past? Is that a bug/feature of the platform?


I just found out that sometime in the last month or so while doing regular updates Wine got bumped to 8.12... (likely from 8.0) and my games have gone haywire: Neverwinter Nights and Diablo2 would kind of start but then halt. Switching to desktop and back unblocks games for the next few seconds and then things repeat.

I've downgraded wine to 7.12 and things are working back.

Question: should I have done some migration step for 8.12 to work properly or is it even a known issue?

I am using PlayOnLinux for Diablo2 with System Wine and Vanilla System wine for NWN.

(crossposted from reddit)

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