Here at db0 is about as free as you can get...
If your definition of "free speech" is "I want to be racist or homophobic", which I suspect this is, go kick rocks loser.
Here at db0 is about as free as you can get...
If your definition of "free speech" is "I want to be racist or homophobic", which I suspect this is, go kick rocks loser.
None. Every single modern vehicle built by every major manufacturer has copius tracking and phone-home features, even the most basic of basic stripped down fleet vehicles with no infotainment still do it.
If you're electronically inclined, one could probably find a modern vehicle that is sufficiently modular and remove/disable the phone-home systems. (GM's OnStar I believe is still fairly defeatable these days, as it is or was a separate computer module). But unless you have deep, innate knowledge of RF and can go so far as to band scan your vehicle after you remove or destroy the relevant wireless tech, there is no guarantee you will get 100% secure. And many of those systems are now (intentionally) deeply integrated with the rest of the body control devices and alarm systems, defeating them may throw errors that will cripple your car into engine limp mode or endless nuisance alerts.
This also doesn't account for the fact that modern vehicles do a lot of saved-trip logging that would still be available locally, if someone were so inclined to gain physical access to and/or confiscate your vehicle to download said logs.
Buy used and keep fixing them, or stop driving, those are your options. Welcome to late stage capitalism, sucks to suck, will that be cash or card?
Some part of me is glad my WWII grandfather died in December, so he didn't have to see thr country he fought for get turned into the very thing he fought against.
It's only illegal if you get caught. 😉
That seems totally fine. If he is upfront with clients that images are AI generated/uptouched, not real photos, and that is what they are paying for, that's just called running a business that innovated a saturated market. He found a way to produce a product and do it cheaper than everyone else.
Does it kinda cheapen out the experience from not capturing "real" memories? Personally I'd say yup. But that is my personal preference and not that of the clients.
fAmIlY vAlUeS
How do I feel?
I was following my Lemmy rule and hunting out smaller instances rather than pile into the biggest one.
tried 4 separate smaller instance sign ups and never got a single one of them to work and send me a verification email, so I kinda gave up....
Pandemics means market drops and supply chain interruptions, which destroys a bunch of value, which means the currently-wealthy can buy up the rest of the world at fire sale prices and price gouge for what's left.
Ten richest men in the world doubled their wealth to 1.5tn during covid. They want to repeat that. Millions dead is a minor side effect they don't care about.
Yet another tariff that is somehow magically against an American ally and not against Russia or China.
most normal .ml take directly disproven by the article itself and the rest of the comment section
I'm really glad I'm on the West Coast with at least 2300 miles separating me from this horror show.
You are not welcome here or at any other instance then. Report me all you want.
If you truly want your bigoted Freeze Peach, go ahead and start up your own instance. See how long it lasts before every other major instance cuts you off- if you can figure it out, lemmy is notoriously hard to run right.
Lmao how free speech of you!!!1!1!!