A Psalm for the Wild Built is so cute though. Like so cute that it hurts in the context of current events. And I'm like two chapters in. Is it possible to tag this like on mastodon so I can just
The amount of people I've met that can't understand that people mispronouncing things in youtube videos (or mispelling things in written media) is literally just to up the comment numbers because the numbers don't care if 50 of the comments are just "it's pronounced ____!" staggering considering how many years now it's been THE strat. Like even creators I consider otherwise respectable are doing it. I mean I guess they might not be. I had an old-as-florence nursing instructor who pronounced "centimeters" as "SONtimeters" and I looked it up and it's a legit pronunciation but I'm still not convinced she wasn't doing it just to try to sound fancy.
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