
joined 11 months ago
[–] 4 points 11 hours ago (4 children)

the majority of people are entirely happy with “good enough”.

Are they really? I'm constantly disappointed by how my fellow humans vote in democracies, so maybe I'm just that out of touch. I thought most people would want to know what they were looking at was the product of human will and effort. Is that not your impression?

[–] 1 points 11 hours ago

If people want to generate art for their own purposes, it's whatever; but yeah, I do worry about gen content muscling in on spaces that are meant for artists to share and appreciate each others' work.

Like when I'm reviewing sketches on Drawabox, it's not just about the image, it's about an aspiring artist trying to get good at making marks so they can express themselves.

[–] 8 points 11 hours ago

I feel like you didn't understand the assignment...

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Lang shift has snuck up on us, tsk.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago
[–] 5 points 3 days ago (6 children)

I'd love to get down to the city level, even

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Real milk is also the product of vast, unsustainable torture complexes.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

Sounds like something wearing a mask would help protect against...

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I get that India has a scam culture problem - that's true. But most people are not like that.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I can just tell.

But I don't mean to rag on it if it looks good to you.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Looks less weak.


So I've got a new domain and I want to do some fun stuff with it. Specifically, I'm looking for something that's fun to make as well as use.

I've got experience making webservers in p much every major language. My first instinct is to use NextJS just because it's fast and I've used it most recently, but then I also feel the allure of just rawdawging my own HTML/CSS+JS, like my forebears might've done. XML is kind of a pain to handbomb, though; all those closing tags, etc... Though I'm sure there are plugins for that.

Any suggestions? What was the last tool you used that really sparked your joy of creativity? Any really fun frameworks, stacks, editors, etc?


I've recently stopped using tmux in favour of relying fully kitty's built-in windows and tabs, and I'm a fan.

The real killer app for me was the "pass_keys" plugin that allows you to navigate vim and kitty splits all with the same keys. I think there are plugins that allow you to do the same between vim<>tmux<>kitty as well, so it's not like you would need to drop tmux to take advantage of it.

Anyway, so that's been a big shift in my daily workflow. I've been using tmux for well over a decade, and GNU screen before that (I was never able to train myself away from the C-a prefix.

The one thing I miss a lot is being able to quickly detach and re-attach to existing sessions. Especially when doing some work over an ssh connection. But then I can always just shove the terminal into scratch space, or another i3 workspace.

This isn't me trying to sell anyone on ditching tmux. I love tmux, and if it works for your flow then it's perfect for you. More just curious what kinds of setup other people have.

Is there some hot new thing that I've missed that blows both kitty and tmux and i3 out of the water? Idk, but I'm always on the lookout. :p


Just down the street from
where you are I am sitting at a cafe
believing in you. Thinking of you
has helped me put certain things
in perspective. For instance I wish
for I to record only its encounter
with you. You are the one who
rehinges all the names: your face
daisies at the sun, you glory
up the bare hill rallying the squirrels,
your voice trucks through the traffic
running reckless down the roads,
you catch the circling snow in your
sleepy lashes. What is my language
really for? Not to languish on the page
unheard & unlived, but to hold another
person, to address them—it’s true none
of my poems would matter
if I didn’t have the words to reassure,
to cheer, to delight, to soothe, to free
you. To make room for us, for how
we will be present together. I promise
to write to you through disaster, in
the face of violences sudden & slow
—I promise to never let you go.

Bridget Huh is an MFA candidate in poetry at Cornell University. Her poetry and criticism have appeared in Arc Poetry Magazine, Prism International, The Ex-Puritan, and Canthius. Huh grew up in Toronto and is the winner of the 2023 Vallum Poetry Award.

I found it here:


I find I get some really quality introspection / observations around this time of year, and also just during holidays in general. Maybe it's just the time off, or maybe it's having an event to write around. I'm not sure.

Do other folks especially look forward to writing their thoughts down during the holidays? Like I'm visiting family for a couple days, and I can't wait to document the memories that haven't even occurred yet.


What I mean by hybrid is like mélanges like green tea & ginger, green tea & jasmine, etc.

I find they lend a nice upper/downer tonality, like in the previous example I'd go with ginger green tea if I really wanted to focus, and jasmine if I was trying to coax a more relaxed vibe.


Approx 17 billion hoodies will go through the clothes washing machine this night.


I'm just going to keep posting pictures of tea in various situations until someone tells me to cool it.

Description: a small white mug of dark English Breakfast tea with a longhaired cat looming over, all illuminated by a sunbeam.


Is what I say to myself as I shuffle away with my second cup of the morning.

Description: a dark cup of tea in a white and red mug with tiny pictures of landmarks on it


Description: a brown cup of tea, with milk in it, on a countertop


It's not my first choice, but it's gonna be TypeScript for me. I've got an interview for a primarily TS position coming up this week so would like to brush up on its quirks.

If the interview doesn't go well, then I'll probably switch to Go, though hehe. I've been really enjoying using it, but no one's ever paid me to do so.


I've been getting away with this for many years, and would like to pass it on to you now. It's like an intrusive thought, but a fun one.

For instance when writing to a friend:

Make sure to save yourself some Halloween candy!

Take a moment to muse over the modification:

Make sure to save Yousef some Halloween candy!

Who is this Yousef and why does he get your friend's candy?? Take a moment to enjoy this incongruity, then send the original message. Congratulations, you've just had a moment of whimsy, and no one's the wiser.

You'll find there's no end to what these Yousefs get themselves involved in. May also work with variants of the name like Joseph, I haven't tried.

Okay. Enjoy!



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