I guess I confused the 8bitdo Pro and Ultimate, yeah never meant to imply other controllers from 8bitdo had them.
As I see it a friend should never expect interest when lending money to friends, no matter the reason the money was lent for. Why not just ask him, had you lent me the money for a meal would you expect me to pay you more? He's probably just salty you won the whole thing and (I'm guessing) he was down $7?
Your title sends the opposite image of the body because you missed the negative.
In any case, autism is a complex disability, and your sister sounds like she's got high support requirement. While you're in no way responsible for her debt, if you're somewhat close than you could provide some support, which doesn't need to be financial. Sure she can't support herself, but she didn't ask for any of it either, she was born that way, and with some moral and coaching support she might be able to improve her social skills, maybe enough to get a small time job or even work on her art and sell it to be able to slowly repay her debt.
This! I'm not great at replying to texts, from feeling depressed to demand avoidance, sometimes it's hard when you réel there are toi many expectations. Maybe try sending an open ended message without any questions, juste saying you hope he's alright and that he can message you if he wants to talk or wants some company.
King Kong 2 both pro and non-pro have HE sticks and triggers, I've got a KK2P and that's the reason I wanted one. 8bitdo don't seem to mention it on their website but I remember the release press articles mentioning some recent model coming out with HE sticks, but nothing is mentioned in the product pages.
Given eneough time Méta will probably defederate with most private instances, and only federate with other networks that have similar TOS and Privacy agreements