I've always preferred "suspish"
This is a fantastic idea. I really love the decentralization of Lemmy, but I do feel the side effects of having many copies of the same subject on different instances.
And to your point, I'd love for niche communities to have a larger audience. I need somewhere to post and read about project zomboid.
Growing up, I spent every Sunday going to a church my grandpa established, and afterwards my entire family would go over to my grandparent's house for lunch. We would usually be there for hours, so many Sundays, my cousins and I would play gladiator outside in the backyard. We'd make weapons and armor out of whatever we could find, and just have a battle in the backyard. We did this from the time that we were little kids and all the way through my time in high school.
In my early college years, I had mentioned to my boyfriend (who i had been with since high school) that I really missed this tradition with my cousins.
He bought me this cute little gladiator doll to hang up on my car's rearview mirror as a memento of those special times. No longer have that boyfriend, but I still have that little doll.
I think they're actually referring to Trump in this situation
They look like a bunch'a gas station hot dog weenies that have been sitting in the warmer for too long.
I'm really struggling to imagine this.
Well done
Wait, it seems like we don't want to follow the rule of 3.
I think it's rather fitting Edit: not a frump fan, nor am I a Christian. Was being facetious.
Nah, the face plant years are where you just skip the hand and directly slam your face into the nearest surface because of the off-the-charts level of absurdity you're hearing. More fitting for the current state of things.
I'm sure you didn't think so at the time, but that's hilarious
Idk if you've seen Euphoria, but that's the show that really made me like her as an actress. Didn't think much of her before.