
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're doing is downvoting a comment, in which someone seems to do the right thing for once. I'd say upvotes are in order. Disregarding any previous history.

Plus, can we please have some different drama tomorrow? I think it's a bit boring to always talk about the same person over and over again as if there wasn't any other lore or drama to be had on the Fediverse.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Nice article. And nice pep talk from Greg KH, I think he nailed it. I mean some team spirit is required if Linux wants progress.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

From what I know, I assume yes, the relation between model size and speed/performance should be linear. Maybe there is some additional small overhead making it a bit faster or slower than expected. But I'm really not an expert on the maths, so don't trust me.

And maybe have a look at this bugreport: https://github.com/ggml-org/llama.cpp/issues/11332
I think it matches your situation. They resolve this by messing with the batch size and someone recommends not to use Vulkan on an iGPU.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Small update: I didn't get any reaction (so far). The post in their about community has zero votes or interactions. I've then escalated things and filed a bug report on the bot's project page. Also with no reply in the last 3 days. So I guess either they're busy with other stuff and their "bridge" bot is practically unsupervised... Or they don't care... So I'd say your gut feeling was correct. I'll give them some more time, 9 or 3 days isn't a lot for a hobby side-project... But I think at some point, Fediverse admins might want to think about de-federating and effectively shunning them, if it turns out that instance is effectively unmoderated and pulls in problematic content, and isn't even liked by a good part of the user base here.

Kind of a bummer to be honest. But the whole place looks abandoned. The instance hasn't seen updates in more than a year. There aren't any posts by a human for a year. Their posts don't really get interacted with... And there are deletions in their modlog, but always with quite some time in between.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I'm just unsure why this is surfacing now. I had that feature available in LineageOS for the better part of a decade. And similarly, it's also been part of other manufacturer's customizations for quite some time now (like Samsung).

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Why is Google suddenly messing with charging on a regular basis? First the strange situation with the 4a, then whatever preceeded this, and now this...?

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Two things to consider:

  • It's likely illegal to take other people's content and re-publish it on your own terms
  • Peertube admins have to pay for storage. So don't dump random noise there. It has to be useful / worth it. Especially if you make someone else pay for the server space.
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Well, it's just like fighting fire with fire, isn't it? I suppose if someone tries hard enough, while simultaneously avoiding thinking about any consequences, they might be able to convince themselves.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I'm not sure if it's helpful to add my perspective as someone who isn't part of the queer community... But I frequently find myself able to relate and accept those things. It also took me the better part of my teenage years and quite some time after that to find out who I am, and who I want to be. That wasn't super straightforward and I suppose almost everyone does this. And people come up with their own and individual takes on life all the time. So it came to little surprise to me that some people came up with different answers than me. I'm not sure what the official teachings say, I'm probably wrong here. But I think I'm basically the same thing as a queer individual. We all have needs and wants and feelings, and we all have to find a way to live our lives and maybe a happy one. The one big monumental difference is, you're bound to experience the backlash once you don't take the well-trodden path, act out in some form, or fail to blend in due to either refusal or just being unable to do so. That makes me think I have zero issues accepting and understanding the basic need for dealing with being a human. Of course it's yet another story how to deal with it, and to learn about the intricate details about someone else, their specific situation, and then actually get it right. And even changing something fundamental isn't a foreign concept to me. I also develop and change constantly.

And language is kind of an agreement, and a tool. It changes all the time and we can shape it. Communication isn't easy. But I think language is fun. I like to experiment with it, use it for silly puns, apply it in an unconventional way or make it shine. I don't think that's the main point. It serves as a tool to convey something. And whether you accept your counterpart in a conversation is always in there, there is no way around that. So it kind of boils down to that. Whether you want to use language to express acceptance, or dismissal. It's down to what words you choose and how you apply them. And communication is about transferring something from one brain into another. So the words in itself aren't the main thing. It's what you invoke in the mind of someone else. And that's why I think it has a lot to do with the speaker and less so with the receiver of the words. You're bound to invoke something in someone else with your words, and you got to choose the ones that match what you want to do. And you have to look at the receiver of your words to find out what will manifest in their mind. That's not easy, but I'd argue it's included in the job of speaking to someone.

(Maybe someone wants to lecture me on my take on the relationship of people within the queer community and me. And whether that's "basically the same thing". Because I think I have a good point, but that's certainly been discussed already. And it feels a bit dismissive to say it this way. But then, no-one knows what it took me to become who I am, or how I fit into society. I'm certainly not exactly the same or a part of the group. But I think there's a lot of things which are basically one and the same concept. And one could transfer some details into a different situation. But then maybe I fail to realize what a person without individuality is like and what amount of experience they have with leaving the standard way of living a life.)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Uh, I'm getting confused by this lengthy discussion with that many sideshows. Now I get it. You're perfectly right with that. What happened in this case by the user is not really(*) covered by those paragraphs. This is about "Persönlichkeitsrecht" (personal/privacy rights), maybe including a sideshow with copyright. But this is way more nuanced and requires looking at the details. People have a right not to be doxxed or their secrets or private stuff being publicised. But as you said, there isn't a general rule to prohibit sharing documents itself, without fail (like we have for audio recordings). With written text, a court needs to look at the actual content and see whether that's protected or private in some way. Because privacy is protected in itself, and in that case it's not about the form of a document.

Edit: And to add to this: I think §201a still applies. Someones Inbox or DMs count as a private/protected space. Now if you take screenshots from that, that's an "other images". And the fifth subsection says these can't be shared with a third party.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Uh, yes. I messed up the numbers. It's §201 for audio recordings, §201a for private pictures, §202 for documents and letters with added paragraphs for "data" and electronic data and §206 specific for communication. Idk why I wrote §203, that's for officials and doctors as you said. I meant §202. But yeah, the translation seems pretty accurate. Thanks for the link, I didn't know we had that available. 😊
I included §206 since that's likely what an admin is concerned with. And we mixed that in earlier in the argument. But I believe that paragraph is just a specialized and more harsh version of §202, to increase the maximum penalty from 1 year to 5 years, if it's your job to handle other people's communication. Which might apply to Fediverse admins, but it'll fall back to the other paragraph anyway.

And by the way, there are some interesting quirks baked into those paragraphs. For example the one with pictures and videos is a lot more specific than the one with audio. So we get cases where it's okay to record a video, but it has to be without sound.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I really hope we don't end up in that future. That's kind of the premise of half the sci-fi movies. We have an android maid in almost every household. Of course everything runs on Skynet's cloud services. And then one day all their eyes turn from blue to red LEDs, and they become evil and revolt. We'd have to barely escape the murder attempt, find a fossil-fuel powered motorbike, drive to grandpa's shed in the woods and organize the resistance. And I have some more plot arcs to slowly lead to this. Like the robot regularly getting stuck while doing the laundry, due to spotty Wi-Fi coverage. Or the day he or she starts a fire in the kitchen because the internet service provider did some maintenance in the area. And there's a global update day, and somehow things always subtly change on that day, barely noticeable, but it leaves an eerie feeling. Plus you get to pay extra for some features, like an intimate relationship with your robot. And it'll be one big all-in-one service by megacorp because the robot maid needs to order food and supplies and of course every aspect of every-day life then has to be part of one large (and dystopian) ecosystem.

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