Scheint ja ganz schön eskaliert zu sein, dafür dass der Auslöser einfach nur einsetzender Regen war... Es fängt an zu nieseln, zack 16 verletzte Menschen und 70 Verhaftungen...
I think he paid for our sins, and not fulfill the laws? Unless you mean the foreshadowing in the Old Testament and how the story picks up on that. Thanks for raising that point! I think that might be it. Afaik Jesus died for the sins of everyone, not just the Christians. But you got to accept his sacrifice to get salvation. Which I'd argue is the thing that technically makes you a Christian. And it's simultaneously the excuse to look down on other people who then aren't going to see forgiveness.
Hmmh, thanks. I wrote another comment here, detailing how I wasn't taught that Jewish faith is outdated. Their way of living and civil laws, yes. But most of their books is what we look at to see how the world was created and what happened until Jesus was born. And that's pretty much in place as is. But I'm not a theologian. I don't think they taught me much about Islam, though.
And sure, I can see how it's different the other way around, if someone declares a messiah and it's not the same belief any more.
What would you do? The law is pretty clear on that minors are to be protected from harm. Would you rather officials ignore the law and instead just do whatever they like to people? Would that be more democratic in your opinion?
That's not what the catholic church taught to me. I believe they said something like that the new covenant means we get a new relationship with god. But it doesn't invalidate the old one. It's more or less civil laws and ceremonial laws that don't apply anymore while the deeper morals shouldn't really contradict each other. And the history and stories stay relevant. (And they made us learn a good amount of them, like what the Samaritan tribe did and a few others, the main story arcs with Moses, Abraham, the flooding and Noah, Lot...) I mean we wouldn't even be able to tell how the world came into existence without relying solely on the Old Testament.
But is that rejection, or what are the consequences? I mean even every denomination of christianity thinks all the other ones are wrong. All the holy books are in itself full of contradictions, so people interpret them and deem every scholar of their own faith wrong, once it opposes their own take on it... So I'm not sure if they even think like that. I mean in practice it turns out that way. Everyone forms tribes and they're the only ones blessed with the truth. But I think that's way smaller groups, and kind of the other way round. Because religion is to a large degree about tribalism and not intellectual arguments. Though they have that, too. But it's slapped on top. Maybe I've answered my question with that... 😆
Yeah exactly. I mean it takes some balance and they absolutely need to be sensitive. But it is like this in some professions. Once you put in the effort to put away your lunch, put on the gear, drive somewhere etc, you're then going to engage, almost no matter what. At least talk to people and try to assess the situation. Same for firefighters, paramedics and even some technicians. And it's the right call in lots of inconspicuous situations. At some point they stop giving a f.. and just bother people because the alternative is they'll occasionally have to return to the same situation several hours later and it'll usually have become worse in the meantime. Plus after some days in any of those jobs, you'll notice that half of the people lie to you in one way or another. So you start to not trust people anymore, but make sure yourself.
(And I think this situation kind of matches this. They could have asked for an ID because it's standard practice, or because they're bastards, or because they needed some lame excuse to spend more time talking to OP to assess the situation and see how people react and behave.)
To be fair, it's often difficult to judge a situation over the phone. Some crazy people sound like regular ones. And even more so in the opposite direction. Normal people might sound crazy in emergency situations. So there isn't really a reliable way to tell them apart. And they then need to dispatch someone to find out.
It's an extreme perspective and an oversimplification. So necessarily wrong if you state it this way... Neither do all people in Israel seem to support this, nor is "innocent" any attribute that fits the purpose. Technically like a newborn baby should be pretty much innocent. An adult may not, even if it's just an act of omission. But it's not really a philosophical question in this case, is it? And it's not even what this is about. So I'd say that sentence is immediately wrong on technicalities.
Fair. But the current business model isn't becoming profitable by growing the userbase. It's first giving out things for free to grow the userbase, and then becoming profitable by adding enshittification. So I'd argue this is just the more modern approach. But I get the point.
Lol. Did the cops handle this well, at least? Did it take them time to judge your age, or did they just laugh and leave?
I'm with and I've been happy. But some people complained their support isn't the best and they sometimes don't answer. I'm not sure about the details as I've never needed support. Maybe you want to ask someone else. And make sure to choose the correct server location as most of their servers are located in Europe and you don't want that latency if you're living in the USA.