
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Yes and no.

let's say I have a website that hosts user generated content like a forum or something. Some other person just hosts a mirror of my website that is not under my control. If some user requests me to delete his data, I can do that. i cannot delete the data from the mirror site.

Nothing else is happening in the fediverse. The only difference is, that in the fediverse the license and technology is set up to encourage mirroring content.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

free software doesn't necessarily mean federating with other services.

They have stated their reasons why they don't wanna do it. You might disagree with them or not. But the technology they built is still open. Anybody could take what they created and use it as a foundation that does federate.


It's live on Android, iOS and Desktop. Version 7 is live.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago

Ieft leaning? These orgs sound more like the typical liberal right centrist orgs from america lol

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

I‘ve had this issue on several distros and multiple friends have the same issue. Video hardware acceleration in a browser is a mess. This is definitely not only affecting me as there is a significant amount of complaints on forums and reddit.

And there is no way that the average computer user will use arch. And as long as you gotta fiddle around with your system to get even the most basic shit running smoothly like watching a high resolution youtube video and moving around windows on your other screen at the same time linux will stay irrelevant as a desktop os. It‘s still a system for nerds and I kinda feel like that this is okay.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

I loved the gulli.com forum back in the day lol.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Your first point is web browsing. Even that doesn‘t work properly on a linux desktop lol. Browser performance is abysmal because the browsers lack out of the box support for hardware acceleration. Even if you get it to work it might not work reliably and an update might break it again.

Try using a discord call and open a youtube video in 4k at the same time on a a freshly installed linux desktop. The audio will be choppy and the video will drop frames like crazy. Just moving around windows on your desktop is not nearly as smooth as it is on windows.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Was ist daran ghetto? Da stehen Bäume vor der Tür, die Türen sind frisch gestrichen. Alles ist sauber. Alles sieht intakt aus. Das ist halt bestimmt keine Fabrik sondern eine ehemalige Fabrik wo irgendwelche Yuppies eine Kunsthalle reingebaut haben, wo die sich jetzt mit ihrem anstrengenden Freunden Janosch und Agnes zum Craftbeer-Trinken bei Singer-Songwriter Musik zu treffen.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You just measure the time until the delivery recipe arrives. You can approximate how far away the recipient is. Now you keep doing that while changing your own location (use vpns etc.) and you can slowly get a more accurate location of the target. Now you automate that stuff and also utilize machine learning to interpret the data.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 years ago (5 children)

This type of attack theoretically also works with signal or telegram or whatever message service that works entirely without a phone number.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Du Sohn….Sprich…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Would highly suggest you to stay away from Matrix and Element for now when it comes to using it with non techies. It‘s simply not there yet. It‘s slow, tedious to use, buggy and the ux is just bad. It‘s also not necessarily more private than the popular choices if used improperly which is imo very likely it you have your aunt use it lol.

Is there any feature of element that you need or why did you pick it? You could ideally just use Signal for group chat and group (video-) calls. Or even whatsapp.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I‘m not really a loner but I‘m also not willing to do much to be included socially if it requires me to do things that I don‘t believe in.

If your fancy night club requires me to be dressed in a certain way i have no interest of getting in. If your barbecue invitation requires me to install an app that I don‘t feel comfortable with I‘m eating potato salad at home.


I hope this is okay for me to post in here. It's about music :)

So I'm currently digitizing my records. This is easy to do for CDs. I got myself a dvd drive and just rip them to flac files on my computer. Tagging is easy too pulling the data from music brainz. Vinyl records are a little bit of a different story though because for each side of a record I get one long audio file. Splitting up the files to individual tracks is a very tedious process. I'm currently doing that manually with audacity and then exporting them to flac files.

Does anyone have an idea to do that more easily? Maybe even automate parts of the process. After all music brainz has all the track lenghts available. So in theory it should be possible to automate this to some degree.

Any ideas are welcome. Thank you.



Also ich habe eine Frage bezüglich der Gültigkeit der Regeln.

Gelten die Regeln hier auch für Postings in Communities die in anderen Instanzen zuhause sind?

Als Beispiel: In dieser Instanz ist Adult Content verboten. Dürfte ich nun Communities auf anderen Instanzen abonnieren, die sowas zulassen?

Dürfte ich da auch partizipieren? Sprich in einer Community die Adult Stuff zulässt, auf einer anderen Instanz conent posten, obwohl mein Account hier ist?

Ich hatte das jetzt eigentlich eh nicht vor. Aber das ist mir relativ unklar, wann und wie jetzt die Regeln greifen. Ich bin da kopfmäßig noch nicht so wirklich im Fediverse angekommen glaube ich. Wie wird sowas gehandhabt.



See yourself greater. Shatter expectations. Defy your REFLECTIONS.

We’re kicking off VCT Masters Tokyo by imagining VALORANT in a fresh style.

Made in partnership with indi and Production I.G. Music: HERO (Featuring SWEEP) - Bryan Nguyen, & David Yousefi of Ghostwriter Music


Thought that this was interesting


Hey I just created a valorant community as I could only find an empty community that wouldn't allow anyone to post in there.

You can post and discuss everything specific to valorant.

You can find it here: valorant


I created a valorant community as I could only find an empty community that wouldn't allow anyone to post in there.

For everything related to Valorant.

You can find it here: valorant


Ich hab eine Valorant Community erstellt, da es bisher nur eine leere gab und diese aus irgendeinem Grund keine Posts zulässt.

Ihr findet die Community hier: [email protected]

Die Community ist Englischsprachig. ich hoffe es ist okay, dass ich diese hier trotzdem ankündige.


This is just a post sorry for the disturbance I will delete in a minute.

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