Where in the world are you able to have your mom "sign you up" to be a dispatcher?! To work for our dispatch, you have to apply, have a rigorous background check and a panel-type interview. And then they last less than 3 months because they make all their dispatchers switch from day to night shift and vice versa every two weeks.
We may not see many repercussions from this now, but when the unvaccinated grow up and the viruses have had a generation's worth of time to spread - just wait till a pregnant woman gets mumps and has a profoundly deaf baby. Or their toddler gets polio and ends up spending potentially years in a hospital, only to be released with lifetime disabilities. I know 2 people with polio, and one who is deaf due their mother having mumps (pre-vaccine days). Their lives, and the lives of their families, was/is hard. I wonder what grandma and grampa, safely vaccinated, will say when their grandkids start falling ill.
I hate how these things are such deathtraps.
I live near a military base, and the base runs a lot of nighttime training over the forest my house is in. It is not unusual for Osprey to literally hover over my house. They get so close that the whole house shakes, and the sound from them is so loud it covers up a normal-volumed conversation. It doesn't bother us, but every time it happens I think of all the crashes 😬
We can also hear the base when it has bombing practice! Sitting on our deck and hearing bombs going off is a surreal experience. I can't imagine what it's like to hear those in an actual war situation.
Why even bother? It's not like anything is ever done about the non-anonymous threats we currently see. Ffs.
I got one the other day that had the third column of images completely cut off on mobile. Didn't matter what browser I tried. I had to wait until I could get to a desktop to try and access the site.
I had this once, it was awesome! And then my next flight was the worst one I've ever had. So prepare yourself just in case life is currently snickering behind its hand at you because it plans to fuck your shit up next go-around :(
They did this to me decades ago and I ended up having to get a new card so the old one would no longer work. I haven't used paypal since. Fuck them.
Not on Home edition
You can do it on home. Takes a lot of googling and monkeying around, but I did it on my father's computer years ago.
Americans support climate policy? I'm in the deep south, and I literally know zero people who even believe in climate change. They sure as hell don't support climate policy, and most of them are loud and proud about both of these things.
most republican voters don't even know what tf they're supporting through their votes, other than their personal trigger issue. they just vote for the R.
You are so depressingly right. My father is very pro-choice, but once Trump happened, he stopped giving a shit about anything other than getting Trump back in office and/or making sure no Democrats are elected ever again. He has no idea what is actually going on other than what fox and Newsmax tell him, and he doesn't care.
He's the only family I have, and to see him like this now has just destroyed a part of me.
The most recent, the Pulse 3D ones. Much better than the others I've tried. The battery seems to last a lot longer, too, which is nice.
Target sells them now! Mine have tags on the parts that go either by your foot or head board that say that's where they go. They also have extra pleating at the corners so that they stay tucked deep under the mattress. Iove them! Oh, and elastic around the entire thing so they tuck under the entire mattress.