"but they take all the risk, they deserve the reward"
what risk? the only thing they risk is becoming one of us if they fail hard enough and have to go get a regular job
where exactly are these things located? according to heyjackass.com there have been nearly 1000 persons shot in Chicago YTD, but this report says that only 115 incidents on the shotspotter. Of the nearly 1000 most of them are single victim, but about 100 are multi, with 2 being the second most common after singles at 83 so far. A rough estimate still has the incident number being over 700 which is far different than 115
I'm using Google. I've done that too. protecting inboxes is step one for sure, but i also want to know the extent of this. it's not enough for me to just block the emails and leave it at that.
if it keeps coming and i fail to block them all i want to have some info on the intent of this so I can properly educate others i work with to defend ourselves
I've seen hundreds of those and they're mostly phishing attempts. this new one doesn't look anything like that.
this one has multiple addresses in the CC field, at least one of which is always a predefined list on the senders side. and it's otherwise a legit looking support ticket response.
but i want to know what's the origin, what's the vectors, and what's the target.
don't human artists also learn by looking at copyrighted material? one of us is missing something