Depending on your timezone, it is possibly a peak in traffic from the US, an overlap of July 4th, Reddit userbase jumping in, and the recent surge on shitposting about...sigh... beans.
My landlord won't
It's missing "pet the dog"
Okay, this is my undocumented, your average Joe type of guess, but here goes: as there is no heat exchange with its environment, I assume your hand would burn from its own heat.
Please educate yourself in order to give a relevant answer
Hey, thanks for your answer.
blockchain and web3 communities don't have many posts ( is empty)
and web3_xr weirdly is a community about the history of internet, as stated in their description.
I hoped that someone could recommand a more lively community to get started, but I guess we are still very early in the ecosystem of Lemmy.
Thanks for the recommendations anyway!
This humour is dark like my coffee
Stellar castle is a cool ass name
I would assume so as it makes sense technically, but you ought to double check
Sorry to hear that. But the whole thing is hilarious
1 upvote from me for your self-awareness. Damn...