"Foreign" in this context just means "not Crowdstrike", not like a foreign government.
Teachers are one of our state's greatest assets
We're ranked 49th in education
Sure bud
Showing my age here but...is this real?
The sequel has infinitely more playability IMHO, I love it.
I agree, I actually thought no particular reason was given.
I do like the new guy though, he did great in the finale of season 2.
Well this fucking sucks, I liked Sticker Mule. My wife illustrates and gets stickers printed by them, and they'll send goodies in the box with it (like their hot sauce, which is also pretty good).
I'm all for a business taking a stance of "against violence", but I didn't know they were so pro-Trump. Personally I have mixed feelings because I don't want to open this Pandora's Box of more and more violence, particularly in public places. But I also can't pretend that we'd be better off with Trump gone. We'd at least have the GOP stop pretending that he had the best ideas.
There's two local brands I like, Cirque and Topeca.
As far as big names, I get Gevalia and like it.
He is ... The Naked Man
Am I crazy, or are these controller prices insane? Why are there controllers that retail for $250? How are they different?
Years ago, I saw this question and someone commented on Reddit that they bring wet wipes with them when they go out.
It's a guy named Markwayne Mullins who replaced him last year. I don't know much about him other than he's anti-abortion (all cases) and wanted to remove Trump's impeachments from the official record.
To play a bit of devil's advocate, the sense of progression for PvP comes from just getting better at the game and going from Silver to Gold, for instance. You can better learn the maps, new combos, where/when to engage the enemy, and improve muscle memory, all to fight for a better shiny badge (and probably loot drops).