
joined 2 years ago
[–] lance20000 2 points 1 month ago

The Basement Brothers are a good channel. I enjoy the quality of their work and what they are aiming for with their videos.

I think I first became aware of the games on Japanese PCs when I discovered that Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake on the MSX2 was the actual Sequel to Metal Gear and not Metal Gear Snake's Revenge. And that was when I played MGS 3: Subsistence.

I didn't know Lagoon was a Y's Clone and on the X68000 originally. It does explain a lot. As a child I recognized it had some odd design choices.

[–] lance20000 7 points 1 month ago

The other advice is solid, and I agree with it all as of this posting. I did want to focus on the money thing.

I think you should accept the money. Some people, particularly older generations, view money as sign of respect, and turning down is against their understanding of social protocol.

You could even use it to get her a nice gift (flowers, cards, gift basket, etc).

[–] lance20000 1 points 2 years ago

Is this Midnight Rx?

[–] lance20000 7 points 2 years ago

Like, you know, whatever.

[–] lance20000 5 points 2 years ago

Where the credit card is considered a peripheral.

[–] lance20000 5 points 2 years ago

He reportedly turned down money to play for Ottawa. Speculation is he wanted a prominent role or opportunity to win, and maybe both.

[–] lance20000 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

So, I am an r/calgary member. I recently made my way to through the announcement on one of the Canadian subs. I suspect the people who would be interested in joining could be reached through other means than posting in r/calgary.

Because, r/calgary has always been a hot mess of a sub, even when reddit was relatively new. It's such a bipolar sub.

The large conservative base will never let someone post something they think will rock the boat, so it's best to reach people through different subs. I suspect r/Alberta would be far more open to the idea of jumping ship.

[–] lance20000 3 points 2 years ago

It's digital if it's on DVD and Bluray :D

[–] lance20000 7 points 2 years ago (4 children)

Physical media!

I 100% own a copy. I don't have to hunt it down, pay a subscription, and my caveman brain can hold it and put it on a shelf, and that makes me happy.

[–] lance20000 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)


No, probably not. I am not sure if it is playing in my city.

[–] lance20000 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ruffalo would be an interesting replacement, but personally I can't see Columbo without Falk.

I could actually see a reboot working too, Ruffalo taking down the ultrarich with gotcha moments at the end -- like him taking down a Musk stand in, or some crypto/A.I. bro

[–] lance20000 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Personally, I feel Better Call Saul is better.

I wasn't going to watch it because I kind of hated Breaking Bad by the end because everyone I liked was gone. I turned BCS on randomly one day, gave it a couple episodes and realized I liked it.

BCS basically continued off where BB left off in style, writing, and ideas, and just continues on. There is just more likable characters through the show too.

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